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Valeria and Emilia finally reached the bottom of the hole, their descent slowing as they touched down on the icy surface. The ground beneath them was solid and covered in a thick layer of ice, extending in every direction. The cold was almost unbearable, but the warming spell provided some relief.

Valeria says ,  breathing heavily, surveying the area  “We’re at the bottom. It’s completely covered in ice.”

Emilia adjusted her magical light to illuminate the surroundings 
“Yes, it’s just as I feared—an extensive ice field. We need to be careful as we search for the Destroyer.”

Valeria took a few steps forward, the crunch of ice beneath her boots echoing softly in the stillness. She looked around, noting the uniformity of the icy landscape. There were no obvious signs of an entrance or any disturbances in the surface.

Valeria says , her voice carrying a sense of determination
“There must be something here, a clue or a hidden entrance. We just need to find it.”

Emilia nods ,casting a scanning spell 
“I’ll scan the area for any magical anomalies or hidden features. The Destroyer may be concealed or protected by enchantments.”

Emilia’s spell created a soft, pulsating light that spread out across the ice, revealing subtle shifts in the magical energy around them. Valeria carefully examined the surface, looking for anything that might indicate the presence of the Destroyer.

**Emilia furrowed her brows noting something “There’s a faint magical signature here. It seems to be coming from beneath the ice.”

**Valeria mumbled following Emilia’s lead
“Can we dig through the ice? Or is there another way to access whatever is below?”

**Emilia nods , concentrating on her spell
“We could try to find a way to break through or find an entrance. Let me see if I can enhance the magical light to reveal more details.”

As Emilia’s spell grew stronger, it illuminated a subtle crack in the ice. The crack appeared to be an entrance or passage, partially hidden by the thick layer of ice. The magical energy seemed to pulse from within this crack, suggesting it might lead to the Destroyer.

Valeria gasped excited and pointing 
“There! That crack in the ice—it looks like it might be an entrance.”

Emilia nods , her light focused on the crack 
“Yes, that’s definitely worth investigating. We should approach cautiously and prepare for whatever we might find inside.”

Valeria and Emilia approached the crack, their steps careful on the icy surface. Emilia used her magic to widen the crack slightly, making it easier to enter. The cold and darkness remained intense, but the sense of discovery and urgency drove them forward.

Valeria nods , with a determined look
“Let’s go. We need to see where this leads.”

Emilia spoke,preparing for the descent 
“Be ready for anything. I’ll maintain the light and keep us safe.”

With Emilia’s magic providing illumination and protection, they prepared to explore the crack in the ice, hoping it would lead them to the Destroyer and the answers they sought.

Valeria and Emilia approached the crack in the ice more closely. Emilia’s magical light revealed a faint symbol of a star etched into the surface. The symbol was delicate, almost as if it had been carved with great care. Its subtle glow was the only hint of color against the stark white ice.

Valeria mumbled examining the symbol closely   “This symbol… it’s a star. I wonder if it’s important.”

Emilia nods , her voice thoughtful
“It could be a key or a marker. Sometimes ancient symbols like this are used to activate hidden mechanisms.”

Valeria, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, reached out and touched the symbol. Her fingers brushed against the cold surface, and as she made contact, the star began to glow brightly. The faint light quickly intensified, spreading through the crack and illuminating the surrounding ice.

Valeria speaks surprised  “It’s reacting! The star is glowing…"

As the star symbol shone with increasing brilliance, the ice around the crack began to shift and fracture. The crack widened, the ice moving apart to reveal a hidden passage. The passage appeared to lead further into the depths, away from the surface.

Emilia smiled  watching the transformation with awe “It’s working! The symbol must have activated the mechanism. Let’s see where it leads.”

Valeria steps  back slightly to give space
“Careful. We don’t know what’s beyond this passage.”

With the crack fully opened, a dark passage was revealed, leading deeper into the ice. The walls of the passage were still icy, but the path was clear. Valeria took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

Valeria spoke  glancing at Emilia “Are you ready?”

Emilia nods  and adjusted  her magical light  “Ready. Let’s proceed with caution.”

Valeria and Emilia stepped into the newly revealed passage, the light from Emilia’s magic illuminating their way. The ice around them was cold and solid, but the path forward was clear. They moved forward, their steps echoing softly in the confined space as they ventured deeper into the unknown.

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