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Valeria ' s pov

"Ooh!" I groaned, my head is spinning , i opened my eyes , only to find that I am all alone in this giant suite .

" Is anyone here ? How come I am here ?" Then I remembered how I came here .. that old gross was raping me! And the person who saved me was ? Was who! Yeahhh!! That handsome, blue eyes, tall man !! He saved me , he carried me here and then !! ? He made me sleep! By his powers!

Little snowflakes!" Yaah "  i remembered now. It means he is also someone powerful. Who got special powers . But he is odd.

I revinded my mind and thought that when he saw me for  the  first time , he smiled and his eyes were white ! All white ! And he called me sweetheart! But the moment I saw him his eyes once again when he laid me on the bed his eyes were deep blue . How is this possible. ? Is he a werewolf as I have always red in the novels that werewolves changes their eye  colours when they are angry or possessive. So he is a werewolf. But Knox also changed colours from red to maroon and zester also ..from oceanic blue to dark blue.. but one minute.....

" Oh god" i panicked thinking dose zester knows I  am here ?  Does he gives any shit about me being lost ? Last thing I remember that he left me in that Haunted forest to get eaten by that terrific two headed wolf or tiger or whatever he was...

Will he search for me ? I don't know . But first I need to do now that is to thank the man who saved me twice and get out of here ..  I am just fuking tired of this strange planet. All are powerful.. all the myths and stories I have heard about some special humans who have strange powers called supernatural creatures!! Are true!! Fuking true!!

Except me !! A foolish girl who has nowhere to go ..
Helpless, powerless , and brainless for sure .

I got up from the bed .. and hissed in pain .. "

"aah"  i wined in pain and that pain was coming from my back .. tears glimmered in my eyes..

" Universe!! What the fuck is happening with me " I cried out .. i falled on the edge of the bed .. feeling exhausted.

" I guess  the universe wants to say something to  u little girl.." a feminine voice came from  nowhere.

I froze.. I looked up and found a women , no! A beautiful women .. she was wearing a yellow faded colur gown who was highlighting her golden skin tone.. a crown on her head . Is she a queen? Yess she is .. she was smiling at me gently, I was so immersed in her beauty that I didn't noticed a boy who was standing beside her . He is her son? No way !! But he looks like her ! Same golden skin . Amber eyes like her and cute bunny teeth.. cute!! Boy i must say ..

" Will u don't allow us to enter dear?" I smiled embarrassingly as i found myself staring at the both two .

" Yes please enter my lady !" I said what I know ...

They entered and I sat on the bed more in a mannered manner!! I was so embarrassed with myself now at this moment..
She came and sat on the chair who was laying on the side of the table..

I bit my tongue, fuck! I got up from the bed and tried to go to her but I falled down ... Aaah " this pain and weakness will kill me before anyone kills me.

She got up and hurriedly came to pick me up .

" Ooh lord " I was so embarrassed at this moment  she offered a hand to me ... I held her hand and she made me sit on the bed .. she covered me with the blanket and smiled..

" Th-thank u your highness" i murmured lowly . unable to into her gaze because of my embarassing actions .

" Look at me dear" she said and i looked . The second I matched my gaze with her amber eyes .. her eyes widened, what happened to her at once..

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