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***author's pov***

Emilia raised her hands, her fingers weaving intricate patterns in the air as she began to chant softly. The words of the incantation flowed seamlessly, resonating with the magic that surrounded them. As she chanted, a shimmering, swirling portal began to form before them, its surface crackling with ethereal energy.

Emilia said ,smiling reassuringly at Valeria    “Through this portal, we will reach Antarctica. The journey will be cold and treacherous, but it will lead us to the Destroyer.”

Valeria nodded, her expression a mix of excitement and apprehension. She could feel the pull of the portal’s energy, a tangible force that promised both danger and discovery.

The portal’s surface rippled like liquid glass, reflecting the ambient light with an otherworldly glow. Valeria took a deep breath and stepped forward, her foot crossing the threshold. The sensation was disorienting as she felt herself being pulled through a vortex of colors and light. Emilia followed closely behind, her presence a steadying force.

As they emerged from the portal, the stark contrast of their new surroundings was immediately apparent. They arrived in Antarctica, where the night was enveloped in an eerie, icy silence. The frigid air was sharp and biting, making Valeria’s breath visible in the cold

Valeria and Emilia stood on the icy expanse, their surroundings bathed in the cold, pale light of the Antarctic night. The landscape stretched out before them, a vast, frozen wilderness with a blanket of snow that glistened under the starlight. The temperature was frigid, and the wind howled softly, adding to the desolate atmosphere.

Valeria  voice and teeth clattered, shivering slightly, but resolute 
“This is it. The Destroyer is somewhere out here.”

Emilia adjusted her cloak, her demeanor unfazed by the cold. She looked around, her eyes sharp and focused as she surveyed the icy terrain.

Emilia  said , nodding  “Yes, it is. We must proceed with caution. The environment here is harsh, and the sword’s location will be concealed by both natural and magical barriers.”

Valeria nodded, pulling her cloak tighter around herself to shield against the biting cold. The icy wind whipped around them, but her determination remained unshaken. The journey to find the Destroyer had begun, and despite the harsh conditions, she felt a sense of purpose driving her forward.

Valeria and Emilia began their search, the vast icefield stretching endlessly before them. Their breaths formed clouds in the air, and the crunch of snow beneath their boots echoed in the stillness. The cold was intense, but Valeria’s focus was sharp, guided by the vision she had seen.

Valeria nods with a determined look 
“Let’s find it. We’ll start by searching for any signs or disturbances in the ice.”

Emilia nods in agreement  “Very well. Stay close, and keep your senses alert. The Destroyer will reveal itself when we are close " 

As Valeria shivers slightly from the intense cold, Emilia watches with a gentle smile. She can sense the discomfort and knows the harshness of the Antarctic climate can be overwhelming. With a graceful motion, Emilia raises her hands, her fingers tracing delicate patterns in the air.

Emilia speaks,  calmly  “Hold still for a moment. I’ll cast a spell to protect you from the cold.”

Emilia begins to chant softly, her voice weaving through the icy air. The incantation is smooth and melodious, resonating with ancient power. As she speaks, a warm, golden light begins to emanate from her hands, enveloping Valeria in a protective aura.

Emilia moved her hands ,chanting
“By the warmth of the hearth and the light of the flame, 
I call upon the magic to keep you safe and warm, 
Through the frost and chill, let this warmth be your shield.”

The golden light swirls around Valeria, creating a comforting cocoon of warmth. The icy chill that had been gnawing at her skin begins to dissipate, replaced by a pleasant, soothing heat.

Valeria feels the warmth spreading through her body, a welcome relief from the biting cold. She smiles gratefully at Emilia, feeling much more comfortable now.

Valeria spoke with relief  “Thank you, Emilia. This warmth will make a huge difference.”

Emilia agress , nodding with satisfaction
“It’s important to stay comfortable in such extreme conditions. Now, let’s focus on finding the Destroyer.”

With the warmth spell in place, Valeria and Emilia resume their search. The golden aura surrounding Valeria provides a stark contrast to the icy landscape, allowing her to move more freely and focus on their quest.

Valeria nods determined “Let’s get started. The Destroyer is out there, and we need to find it.”

Emilia speaks encouragingly
“Indeed. With this protection, we can handle the cold more effectively. Stay alert and trust your instincts.”

As they continue their search, the warmth of the spell creates a sense of security amidst the harsh environment. Valeria’s focus sharpens, and her resolve strengthens.

Valeria and Emilia trudged through the snow, their breaths forming clouds in the frigid air. The starlight above created a serene, almost ethereal backdrop against the stark, white landscape. The warmth from Emilia’s spell enveloped Valeria, offering comfort and protection as they navigated the icy terrain.

Valeria gazed ahead, resolute “We’re getting closer. The vision showed a deep hole, and I think we’re approaching it.”

**Emilia nodded , her gaze scanning the surroundings 
“Keep your eyes sharp. The hole may be hidden or obscured by the snow. We need to be cautious as we approach.

As they continued their journey, the snow began to shift, revealing the outline of a large, deep hole. The edges of the hole were covered in a thin layer of frost, and the depth seemed to stretch endlessly into darkness.

**Valeria speaks stopping to survey the hole
“There it is… just as I saw in the vision.”

The hole was massive, its depth seemingly infinite. The darkness within seemed to swallow the starlight, creating an ominous and foreboding presence. The icy wind howled around them, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Valeria and Emilia approached the edge of the hole cautiously. The icy surface around the rim was slick, and the depth of the hole made it difficult to see the bottom. Valeria peered into the darkness, trying to gauge the extent of their descent.

**Emilia moved her eyes ,examining the hole with a critical eye “This hole could lead to hidden caverns or tunnels. We should proceed carefully.”

**Valeria speaks “I agree. The Destroyer is somewhere down there. We need to find a way to descend safely.”

Valeria and Emilia began to prepare for their descent. Emilia reached into her bag and pulled out a rope and a few other magical tools. She started to tie the rope securely to a sturdy anchor point nearby, ensuring it was strong enough to hold their weight.

**Emilia speaks calmly, as she worked
“I’ll use a spell to illuminate the path as we go down. It will make it easier to navigate and avoid any potential dangers.”

Valeria  smiled gratefully “Thank you. I’ll be ready to descend once the rope is secured.”

As Emilia completed the preparations, she chanted a few words, and a soft, glowing light appeared, floating gently above the hole. The light illuminated the darkness below, revealing the rugged walls and the faint outline of the tunnel leading further down.

With everything in place, Valeria took a deep breath and began her descent. The rope creaked slightly as she lowered herself into the hole, the glowing light from Emilia guiding her way. Emilia followed closely behind, her magical light providing steady illumination.

Valeria speaks ,calling up to Emilia
“Keep the light steady. I’ll go first and check the path.”

**Emilia speaks ,her voice echoing slightly 
“Be careful. The further down we go, the more dangerous it may become.”

They both nodded , ready to witness whatever it is down there .


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