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The door to the throne room swung open, and Ambrose entered, his presence authoritative and strong. His eyes immediately landed on Arekel, the lingering dark smoke around her still dissipating into the shadows. His expression darkened, and his jaw clenched tightly at the sight of her.

Ambrose spoke , his voice cold, barely contained anger “Arekel. I see you’re here, weaving your webs of deceit as usual.”

Arekel smirked , unfazed by his hostility
“Ambrose, my dear mate. Always so cold and hostile. One would think you didn’t miss me at all.”

She stepped closer to him, her movements slow and deliberate, like a predator closing in on its prey. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she noticed the way Ambrose’s body tensed, a clear sign of his disdain.

Ambrose stood his ground, his gaze locked onto Arekel's, his contempt for her evident. He had always been a picture of composure and control, but something about Arekel’s presence always seemed to provoke a visceral reaction from him. Their bond, forged by fate, was something he had never wanted, and he had spent centuries resisting it.

Ambrose  spoke,his voice low, dangerous “You are a poison, Arekel. One I would gladly cut from my life if I could. Do not think for a moment that I have forgotten what you are capable of.”

Arekel chuckled  softly, her voice a purr. “Such harsh words from my own mate. But your hatred only fuels my desire to have you, Ambrose. You can’t fight fate forever. One day, you will be mine completely, whether you wish it or not.”

Zelerious watched the exchange between his two closest confidants with mild interest. Their animosity had always been an undercurrent in his court, one that he found both entertaining and useful. The tension between them was a reminder of the power dynamics at play, even among those bound by fate.

Zelerious interrupted , his voice calm but firm  “Enough, both of you. I have no time for your personal quarrels. Ambrose, what news do you bring?”

Ambrose tore his gaze away from Arekel, focusing on Zelerious. He forced his anger down, slipping back into the role of a trusted advisor.

Ambrose regaining his composure, speaking with authority  “My Lord, our spies have confirmed movement among the elemental kings. They are becoming restless. It seems they have sensed Valeria’s awakening. They may attempt to reach her before we do.”

Zelerious noddED , a satisfied smile spreading across his face  “Good. Let them come. Their efforts will be in vain. Arekel and I have already taken measures to ensure Valeria’s path leads only to me. As for the kings, they will meet their end if they interfere.”

Arekel watched Ambrose closely, her smile fading into a look of determination. She knew his hatred for her was deeply rooted, but she was just as resolute in her desire to claim him. She had waited for centuries, and she could wait longer. The darkness in her heart was patient, and she thrived on the challenge.

**Arekel WHISPERED softly, almost to herself as she glanced at Ambrose “One day, Ambrose. One day, you will see that we are meant to be together. And on that day, I will make you mine.”

Ambrose ignored her, his focus solely on Zelerious. He could feel Arekel’s eyes on him, her words like a whisper of temptation in his mind. But he pushed it away, just as he had always done. His loyalty was to Zelerious and the mission at hand, nothing more.

Zelerious turning his back to them, looking out into the darkness of his realm “Prepare yourselves. The time of our reunion with Valeria is near. And when she returns to me, the universe will bow before us.”

Meanwhile* :

The grand hall of the Elemental Kings was alive with energy, each corner pulsing with the elemental forces of fire, water, wind, and earth. The four brothers sat in their respective thrones, their faces etched with concern and determination. They had gathered after sensing a disturbance in their bond with Valeria, a bond that had been stretched thin by the secrets of the past and the distance between them.

**Alexander Knox leaned  forward, his eyes blazing with intensity  “We cannot sit idly by any longer. Valeria’s presence is growing stronger, and with it, the threat of Zelerious. We must find her before he does.”

Kian Zester nodded his voice calm but filled with underlying urgency “Alexander is right. The oceans whisper her name, calling out to her. She is awakening, and with her awakening, the power she holds will attract not only Zelerious but other dark forces. We have to protect her.”

Jerone Kyle sat silently, his face a mask of ice. Unlike his brothers, his feelings towards Valeria were laced with bitterness and distrust. He had loved her once, but the betrayal he felt from learning about her past with Zelerious still cut deep.

Jerone Kyle spoke ,his voice cold, his eyes fixed on the distance  “Protect her? From what? Herself? She hid the truth from us in her past life. Who’s to say she won’t betray us again? I will not allow my kingdom to fall into chaos because of her secrets.”

Asher Ihor growled softly, his voice a low rumble
“Enough, Jerone. We all have our doubts, but Valeria is our mate. She deserves our protection and understanding. The bond we share is not something we can ignore or sever. Whether we like it or not, we are tied to her.”

Alexander Knox stood, the flames of his throne flickering in response to his rising anger. He had always been the most protective of Valeria, feeling a deep responsibility to keep her safe. His fists clenched as he spoke.

Alexander Knox talks with determination
“We need to find her. We cannot allow Zelerious to manipulate her again. We must bring her back, remind her of who she truly is, and help her reclaim the power of the Destroyer. Only then can we stand a chance against Zelerious.”

Kian Zester nods , agreeing, his voice thoughtful
“Agreed. I will send word to our allies in the Water Realm. We will gather information and track her down. We must be cautious, though. Zelerious will not be the only one searching for her.”

Jerone looked at his brothers, his jaw tightening. He could feel their determination, their unwavering faith in Valeria. A part of him wanted to believe in her, to trust that she would choose them over Zelerious. But the scars of betrayal were not easily forgotten.

Jerone Kyle (standing, his voice hard as he spoke  “Fine. I will assist in finding her, but do not expect me to trust her blindly. If she shows any sign of aligning with Zelerious, I will do what must be done to protect our kingdoms.”

Asher Ihor nodded  his eyes serious 
“We all want what’s best for our people, Jerone. But Valeria is not our enemy. She is part of us, and we must stand together. The bond we share makes us stronger, and with her, we can face any threat.”

Alexander looked at each of his brothers, sensing the underlying tension but also the unspoken commitment to their shared goal. They were more than just kings; they were brothers, bound by blood and destiny. The coming days would test their bond and their loyalty, but for now, they were united in purpose.

Alexander Knox nods with resolve “Then it’s settled. We will find Valeria and bring her back. And when we do, we will ensure that Zelerious never has the chance to claim her again. We will protect her, even from herself, if we must.”

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