(46). - Training Continues.

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    4 Days before the
        Tournament start...

            The school training grounds.

            A lot of students were within the specially prepared training ground for them, all... Well, training. What else would they be doing in an area like that? Anyways— it is only 4 days till the tournament, so the school has requested  that all students train together in the training ground, under the guidance of the Battle Tactics Teacher - Arwoll. He was a man that I have spoken to only a couple of times, but not really in a casual way.

All my interactions with him have been strictly professional and never really... Well... Casual or civil. I've never spoken to him about everyday things, only stuff related to the job.

I watched the students training from the hall, simply smiling to myself lightly before exhaling. Something I do have to real quick mention, is how thankful I am that my students did not sell me out and reveal my secret. Had they told someone else or revealed the fact that I could use Abyss Magic or told anyone simply what I had done back there in that fight agaisnt the masked individual — I think my whole investigation operation would have come to a halt, if not, completely ended.

So, yeah - props to the students of the 'Misfit Class' for not telling on their own homeroom teacher. Though... Speaking of my class — I didn't see any members of the Heroes Party training here.

I wonder where all of them have run off to.

I stood around watching the students train for a couple more moments, before turning around and walking away. I had some documents to get to the High Dark Magic and Sorcery teacher, so I should waste as little time as possible.

As I moved on through the hall, a suddenly strong presence came into the range of my 'Global Sense', which made me more cautious immediately. This presence... It was one I had felt once before — however, only once. And I still recognised the person who this presence belonged to... That strange woman dressed in the crimson red suit. The apparent - 'Head of Overseeing Behaviour'.

I had felt her presence or 'aura' back on the day of the ceremony, where I also locked eyes with her for a split second, seeing deep crimson eyes with black and gold pupils inside.

Back then, I came to the conclusion that she was obviously not a human and there was something more to her — so I had planted a sort of ' 'surveillance' soldier onto her. However, despite that - I had not encountered her since the day of the ceremony.

And the surveillance shadow I planted onto her to keep an eye on her? - No news had come from it about ANY kind of suspicious activity from her.

However.... I was feeling her aura once again. Only thing is, that even with 'Global Sense' — it was quite hard to determine where exactly she was in the area. Obviously she was nearby or something, but where precisely nearby is something I couldn't figure out. It was like 'Global Sense' was able to and also not able to detect her at the same time.

| Master, I suggest we investigate what she is up to. Her aura has been bugging me. |

Yeah, you don't say...
Alright, let's move. But first...

I quickly created a body double of mine using my 'Dupe' skill, before handing it the documents and ordering it to take them to where they had to be taken. After that, I activated my 'Undetectable' skill before beginning to follow after the aura I was detecting, with the intention of seeking out and finding that woman again.

I needed some answers - what was her deal? Why did she have eyes of what could be described as a demonic entity? Why.... Did she acknowledge me with our brief eye contact in the ceremony?

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