Day 336

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On the appointed day of the Holy War, nothing changed from the usual as the sun that shone on the world rose. As for the things that add to the day, I send 2 "Clown of DemonPierrot Nick・Demon" which were soul-made using【Great Devil Soul】as messengers.

On it I've put some bizarre make-up which resembles a white face with big red-nosed, as a plump devil in an outfit which is decorated with excessive flaps of wings on its back. It'll fly to the【Border Zone】near the Allied Forces and the Allied Armies. Both were shot down without any discussion first. Apparently, it seemed that they were seen as an enemy's attack.

I guess their ability to cope was too fast, but if I don't think otherwise, I was convinced that it can't be helped when they met such unknown conditions. I send and give the second body [Clown] a white flag since the circumstances can't be helped, and so it didn't got attacked this time.

To add things up, I made it to say:

『My master who is chosen as【World's Enemy】is waiting in the deepest part nyoro~. THAT IS, if you're able to pass through several trials which had been prepared by my master. Since my master would wait with a tolerant heart, THE LIKES OF YOU SHOULD COME QUICKLY TO BE KILLED.』

The demon [Pierrot Nick], whom I told to have made a fool of those men was cruelly murdered the moment it had finished talking, it plays this role because it drops the magic item【Compass of Guidance】 where it's limited only to show the destination of this [Holy War].

Anyway, the 2 camps which heard the story immediately began the invasion at early morning. Although the total number of noncombatants decrease as they withdraw, still, there are a lot of numbers. Regarding the peoples who finally stepped into【Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl】, even though it would be a little bit too long but I'm gonna explain their names in 'slight' detail:

≪ Allied Forces ≫

Holy Kingdom affiliation.

 【Savior of the White BirthWhite Royalty who become Savior】 Annalize Dina Einz Lumen, nicknamed as 『White Lady』. A Saint kingdom princess in her late teens. Possesses【Sacred Treasure】. Somewhat crazy in her head, an existence that I should be most careful of during the [Holy War] now.

【Border SaintSaint of Boundary】 Ishell Vorfush Serge, nicknamed the 【Border Saint】. A noble from the Holy kingdom. Though she is a woman, she wields a large metallic shield,【Sacred Treasure】, known as【Soul Shield of The Boundary GodBordanto】 that covers her body.

【Cleavage SaintSaint of Cleaved Judgment】 Uria Dufouns Serge, nicknamed as『Cleavage Saint』A noble native of the Holy Kingdom. Though she is a woman, she wields a two-handed long sword [Sacred Treasure] known as the【Spirit Sword of Cleave Judgment GodCleavernt】 that boasts a length as long as her entire body.

【Hero of Hunting】 the【Cardinal】Ran Bell, renamed to『Hunting Hero』. A beautiful woman in her early 30s. In possession of a bow【Sacred Treasure】. Has 5 companions.

【Hero of Numerical Formula】the【Cardinal】 Mutage Veidoras Dinoa, nicknamed as『Number Hero』. An old man. In possession of a【Sacred Treasure】Has 4 companions.

【Hero of Heavenly Voice】Brandes Dior Orchestra, nicknamed as 『Voice Hero』. A young woman from a music clan of a small country which no longer exists. In possession of a 【Sacred Treasure】. Has 4 companions.

【Hero of Love】Lovers・Amor, nicknamed as『Love Hero』. A tan-skinned beautiful woman. In possession of 【Sacred Treasure】. Has 6 companions.

【Hero of Cuisine】Cervantes Alvantes, nicknamed as『Meal Hero』. Middle-aged man who originally comes as a commoner from his country. Has 5 companions. In possession "Master of Cooking"【Sacred Treasure】. Only this guy is planned to be captured alive, by any means. In the worst case, it is even necessary to only collect the corpse.

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