Day 337

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Second day of the Holy War. Although there were twists and turns, yesterday's fight performance ended safely. As for the eventual damage which was caused as a result, out of approximately 3,000 members, about 800 died and a lot more were left with slight to serious injuries.

Along with the 6 【Brave Heroes】 which are ≪Main Characters≫, I killed a lot of others which are their companions ≪Subcast≫, though it could be said that the damage is slight if judging from the size of their military gains, however... substantially it was an annihilation.

I was able to reduce the numbers of our own dead only since many of the seriously injured were treated in time because Seiji was there. They were not annihilated but it could have come to that if he hadn't been there.

Though I did not make light of them, it is still too early for our members to face several existences of 【Brave Heroes】 simultaneously. However, there is no meaning even if I say that now.

Participation in the [Holy War] was decided to be voluntarily to begin with. They understand the risks of dying, yet they are still determined to participate. In that case, I won't unnecessarily worry about the people who are not here anymore. We can do nothing but advance. While praying "namu amida butsu" so the dead members' souls may rest in peace, we collected all of the members' corpses to hold a funeral later.

The corpses of the [Brave Heroes] are collected in parallel with them. I threw them into my item box to preserve them. Since the [Holy War] has just started, I am going to eat them with the others after it ends. Nonetheless, my stomach is empty. I used the 『Ox Hero』, who was leading the Demon ox/cow, as an ingredient for the『Meal Hero』to make breakfast to eat.

The contents are simple steaks. The scent of fragrant meat stimulates the appetite. I put the steak in my mouth while expressing my gratitude unintentionally. The moment my teeth broke into the meat, I was at a loss for words. The fine-quality Demon Ox's meat was moderately soft and the meat juice overflows in the mouth. It's nothing less than that of high-quality steaks.

However, various techniques and inventions might be used in the dish created by the『Meal Hero』.

In taste, the skill was absolutely transferred.

My jaw goes up and down as I chew.

The tongue carries the steaks one after another into the stomach.

It was inferior when compared with [Sacred Treasure], but besides that, it is equal to the worthy gourmet food.

As I was eating, I comfortably soak in a lingering sound.

Apparently, while having breakfast in such bliss, the bases of the Allied Forces and Allied Armies seem to have started out in a new course of action.

In order for both camps to not collide in the spiral of fire mountain, I adjusted the spiral slope to be similar to the drawing of a double helix.

As a result, the adjustments prevented them from crossing each other till they climbed to the top. The Allied Forces and the Allied Armies finished reaching the summit almost at the same time.

A heavy dark cloud reigns over the sky at the top of the mountains. There was a lump of metal that floated in the crater of the spiral fire mountain which is used to cross over to the dueling grounds.

However, it is a little bit different now.

Though the black cloud in the sky hadn't changed, the need to cross over to the duel spot has disappeared, it was turned into a circular decisive battle ground that closed the cap of all craters.

The diameter of the decisive battle ground was about three kilometers.

That kind of shielding does not exist at all anymore so that there won't be an obstacle in the battle due of the large number of people.

Re:Monster Vol.9 (Day 336 - Day 370)Where stories live. Discover now