Day 358

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Today's morning, early enough that the sun has not risen yet. Minokichi safely encounters the new【Beast King】Arthie, and their meeting developed into a battle, that he perfectly won, so having done that he began the return to base. I received this report almost at the same time as waking up in the morning, thus I was a little surprised, but also convinced it was true. When I was told the full story, it seems like Minokichi heard from the former【Beast King】Lionel at that time.

『Could you accept meeting my daughter, and show her what's like to be "on top"? Without killing, if possible, for now please overlook her existence.』

Apparently, he spoke of such things at the end of their battle. Apparently Lionel wished that his beloved daughter Arthie would grow accustomed to fighting a stronger being, so as to not be self-conceited, and so inducing that she ran into an enemy as formidable as Minokichi.

I also think as to always direct myself towards breaking my limits, but Lionel held that belief more like a faith, in which strength is righteousness, and perhaps had wanted to know a strong enough presence that was strong enough to defeat him.

Death meant you could only reach up to that point. The experience of survival becomes the driving force for the future. Thus I thought, I wonder if such a thought of Arthie went through Lionel's mind in his last moments. I don't know if he was acquainted with such feelings, but that aside, Minokichi battled and won.

Confirmed through a small cloned body, every one of Arthie's bones ended up fractured or cracked, the internal organs were twisted or ruptured, muscle and skin is torn or split apart, with massive bleeding both internally and externally of her body. She seems to have reached a critical condition of being half-alive. Although her life had been sustained by a tremendous life force, but left in her current condition, even that force was certainly not enough to keep her alive.

But after Minokichi was done with her, she was allowed to recover with a secret elixir of labyrinth production, and if left to rest for a while, a complete recovery with no after-effects is possible, so it should be rather fine in the end.

However, with that level of injury, movement shouldn't be possible any time soon, even if she is healed. Her whole body wasn't able to move properly for a while, just her consciousness was directed towards Minokichi.

Lying on the ground, Arthie is looking up at Minokichi with respect. Minokichi, the one that killed Lionel, even while carrying Lionel's former 【Sacred Treasure】 - 【Strong Beast Spirit God・Birusuforuga】, she has a look that seems to say "If you want, come and challenge me again", or at least that's the how it looks to me. [editor's note1]

Minokichi's intentions can only be roughly inferred, but he did not dare to listen to her. Whether or not Minokichi does have an idea, I just decided to believe in his judgment for the matter. Although there was a shocking report to start off the morning, there has been nothing else that is particularly unusual.

Because the day was to be spent on training, I let members form groups to rise up to challenge me.

Training that began in such a way was carried out at the «External Training Field».

This time I am armed with my halberd on the right hand and my cursed spear on the left. Basically I'm just using these two, because I do not have anything on the left and right sub-arms

For everyone else, they have their serious battle equipment on.

This time things will be quite serious, so Seiji has been asked to be on stand-by so that people can be treated at any time. Once the preparations were ready, it was to be quickly started.

A harsh feeling is spreading throughout the whole body, while the natural shallow breathing becomes a rapidly one. Even a word is not spoken as the body and the palms don't speak for themselves, as cold sweat spouting from the whole body run down with a *tsu tsu*. 

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