Day 339

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Next thing I knew, a day had passed.

Currently most of the Allies' 【Heroes】 have been eliminated, but I let some get away as seeds to begin building a friendly relationship, even if only a few remained. Since the remaining genuine 【Heroes】's are covered all over with wounds, the battle had reached the stage where they would have soon been annihilated.

Since I might be able to build a friendly relationship with the few remaining 【Heroes】, I think that now it might have been possible to begin building a friendly relationship with the Allied army's 【Emperor】.

Well, it's just a thought, and it would be an impossible discussion.

In any case, the 【Emperor】's battle has also reached its climax. Lionel is using 【Beast God Vigorous Soul Body | Vils Folgha】which is a 【God of Beast's Sacred Treasure】 , and Hyulton invokes 【Magical God Nuclear Shell | Qliophostorra End】 which is a 【God of Underworld's Sacred Treasure】. They made desperate efforts as they fought against Minokichi and Kanami. The 【Emperor】's forces are superior only because of the abilities of their 【Sacred Treasures】. But the two Oni had grown rapidly in the battle, they competed without being killed, and gradually began to fight even better than before.

I wonder if the battle caused the blood of the 【Emperor】 to seethe or shook his spirit. All the participants had a refreshingly nice smile on their faces, despite being covered in wounds . All other emotions have been pushed aside so they can fight purely to grab victory.

By the way, It seems that the 【Emperor】's side also wanted to fight with me, but unfortunately there was no choice but to give up on that idea since there was no chance of beating their current opponents. I will do my best, so I want you to be convinced and eaten by us because your life seems like it would be finished in the battle.

Anyway, there are only a few left behind. Kill the Cleavage Saint, kill the Border Saint, and If I kill the White Lady, as well as the weakened 【Heroes】, then the 【Holy war】 is over.

That's how it's supposed to be, but before my sight, hundreds of 【Heroes】 and further existences stood in the way.

 ――Φ θ Φ――

[Sen hero] wrapped in clothing of light with his obese figure due to an unhealthy life style, equipped in his hands is a whip made up of "Gold/Money" jingling from its jewelry, silvery and gold.


Insanity dwells in his eyes, and the whip is swung while letting saliva splash because of his excited feelings.


Ignoring the Gold Money whip's trajectory, I step into close distance while evading at the same time. Hearing the collision noise from the whip that struck the battlefield behind me, I mow down with my halberd aimed at [Sen hero] who approaches before my sight. Although resisted slightly by the clothing made of light covering his body, the halberd cut the body of [Sen hero] in two. But as soon as the upper body of [Sen hero] was blown off into the battlefield, the whip of Gold Money also swooped down from four sides as well. This is not the [Sen hero] who was killed a little while ago, but the recent attack of [Sen hero].


In response to the four closely approaching whips, I mow them down by rapidly rotating the weapons possessed in my four hands at the same time, invoking 【Giant Roll Slash】 on the spot. On this occasion, I intertwined Sen hero by spreading golden threads from my fingertip into the surrounding. The whip crumbles and scatters with sparks, and as the result the golden thread entwined around his whole body was rolled up by my rotation, four people from the Sen hero party were forcibly pulled towards me while exposing a big gap in their defense. I do not miss the chance, and quickly cut their necks with the cursed spear. Four freshly-severed heads flew and blood gushed out like a fountain.

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