Day 351

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After finishing morning training, and enjoying the dragon meat dishes Meal Hero and the Sisters made for me, I saw off Minokichi and Asue, happily diving into our base's【Demon's Howl Gate】.

The two demons headed first to the 【Demon's Howl Gate】 for the 【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 whose exterior has changed in appearance, to one of a luxury liner.

【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 is still anchored in the vicinity of the Labyrinth City «Dur Gha Varia» which is still in contact with the ocean, for the sake of convenience.

I mean, it can be said that there were only so many options.

After all, there are only two places where you can move by going through the 【Demon's Howl Gate】 in the Beast Kingdom - 【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 and 【Holy Seafood Cave Of The Fierce God】.

【Holy Seafood Cave Of The Fierce God】 is the closest to land, but the entrance is underwater. It might be possible if we're talking about the lung capacity of those two demons, but because of their race it might be a little bit weird for both to be in water. At the end of the day, it all depends on their races' nature.

The two demons boarded that ship in such a way, and should go toward the land after equipping a magic item called "Crossing Shoes of Watercolor", a shoe type that enables its user to walk on water, in accordance with the navigation given by the minute clone bodies in their ear cuffs, as inconspicuous as possible, I have been planning to go to the location specified while acting similarly.

However, to say that for these 2 demons is not possible, as they tend to stand out with such huge forms.

If a presence of such a magnitude like a house moves, it will be able to recognized if it is not too straining on the imagination of a person.

Prima facie, the two demons have ways to hide the signs of their passage gained from the hunting experience of coming from the Great Forest, so they are still better than normal demons from having mastered that. Although that could be enough for too long ago.

Speaking of being inconspicuously noticeable, they can only be referred to as very noticeable.

Being noticed is unavoidable there, but I was engineered something so as to hide what Minokichi really is.

The method is rather simple.

A camouflage is spread thinly across the entire bodies of the two demons, only to disguise the true appearances by changing its shape.

No need to waste the time and effort in doing so, as it would only be unusual to recognize a couple of beings from a rare giant species. Even so, this is Minokichi, so even in that form he would attract attention, subtlety could not be attributed to him.

There would be no real issue unless he is recognized as Minokichi, after that, he just has to complete his goal and make a quick retreat.

Even if there was a problem, whatever that would be, the blame would fall on the giants who live in the Beast Kingdom.

By the way, because the power behind the camouflage is so powerful, a strong enough existence could still forcefully pierce that shield, but I have not thought that far. It is much less likely to encounter such a presence, and if they did the only choice left would be to give up.

Anyway, thus the two demons, so disguised, go forward towards their destination.

Also, our Labyrinth business is doing well, «Dolphin's Tail・Darfime» is progressing smoothly. It would be even more so with a helping hand, but considering the future of «Dolphin's Tail», I shouldn't be involved at this time, because I would like to be in an unknown position as much as possible, now that this place has a certain relationship with us.

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