Day 363

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Today I visited each facility in the base.

However, there seemed to be no particular problem at the «Airport», which is the air base for the refined dragons, in particular also the «Original Mine» and «Residential Area» that is the living area for our members in the settlement did not seem to have any major issue. There is nothing to see.

Since we already use the «External Training Grounds» frequently for large-scale combat training I really have nothing to visit today, so I just went to the same place as yesterday, to the «workshop» where the blacksmiths are.

Although it is worth it to visit the «Parabellum Hot Spring Village», the number of non-elf customers has begun to increase recently, but it is going to take a bit more time, it will be even better at a later date.

That was why I headed to the other locations this time-

Dorianu and the agricultural dwarves are managing the «Large Farmland»

«Familiar Magic» bound such creatures as wolves, horses, bears, and other monsters that are then bred as domestic animals, such as Big Cocco, in the «Ranch» to have such as free-range livestock.

In the «Factory» we have mass-produced goods created by the production line system used by the black skeleton mechanism.

With the «Mall» we are selling the produced goods and it also serves as training for work outside the base in the future.

Finally, the «First Mine» was a pioneer mission to mine a mountain a little distance away.

 - Altogether 5 places.

First we headed to the «Large Farmland» and here we are growing a wide variety of vegetables on land that was taken from the woods.

With the harvest of those vegetables we can gain powerful benefits from the land linked to the Great Forest, or it could be because of the effect of our improvements and use of spirit stones in the soil, or thanks to all those acts together, the growth rate is even faster than any other, but above all the quality of the harvest is high.

The vegetables harvested here are also delicious, becoming popular products even with the outside as a popular product, it has become one of our financial resources.

Once harvested any vegetable is delicious at its best, but that flavor falls over time, except the strength of ours lasts longer at market because there is a means to airlift them there.

Since recently it has become famous as the brand vegetables, I'm thinking of going to directly contact with a well-known restaurant, it being considered as such.

It is easier to produce a quick and large amount of high-quality food here, contributing greatly to our rate of self-sufficiency, thus, being one of the most important facilities.

Those who work here are mainly agricultural dwarves, Porevikus, as well as the humans and plant systems etc. who acquired the [Farmer] job to assist and the like.

Everyone there just say that they prefer farm work than dangerous combat or troublesome customer relations, while working there for a while I even broke out in a sweat, but I found myself cheerfully working with a smile.

Middle-aged men with a body that have been trained in agricultural work are swinging down a hoe along with the younger workers, harvesting the crops at a rate fast enough to make you doubt your eyes, farmers gather to work on the breeding and improving of the vegetables gathered.

It would not be bad for a work environment.

Finished with the visit of the «Large Farmland», the next location I am headed for is the «Ranch».

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