(47). - Signal to Start the Tournament.

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        It was quite early in the morning. I was currently in my classroom, with the misfits and the Heroes party all gathered here - all of them talking among themselves. It was honestly a very beautiful scene, seeing them all talk amongst themselves like best of friends. It still feels like yesterday when they had this tension between themselves.

Odale was standing off to the side, in his 'Lihk' look alongside with Vien, who was standing beside him, with a posture that a butler would usually have.

I allowed the students to talk with eachother for a little bit longer, before eventually exhaling and rising up from the teachers chair and walking in front of the class, clapping my hands together and grabbing the attention of the students, as all of them went quiet and looked towards me.

"Alright! So, I assume all of you are aware that the tournament begins tomorrow. Because of this fact, we are unable to train any longer as the school is beginning to sign up classes for it and training the day before the tournament is forbidden. However, that doesn't mean we won't be doing anything today."

I began, speaking loudly and clearly so every one of my students could hear me. All of them seemed to be quite nervous, shedding sweats as the thought of the tournament being quite literally right around the corner.

I could see and sense their lack of confidence in their abilities. I haven't been training them or with them these last few days, however I've been spectating their training with other teachers and saw great improvement. They seemed more skilled and experienced now, capable of controlling the battle situation much better and are actually utilising the terrain and things around them.

So I thought of something I could do with them for this last day before the tournament begins and shit starts going wild. The students seemingly were nervous, while I simply smiled warmly.

"So, since we can't train, I thought of something else we could do."

I continued, before placing my arms behind my back.

"I've been spectating your training these last few days and you seem to have improved quite a lot... However, just by how much — that is what I am curious."

I stated, closing my eyes for a second. My way of thought seemingly got picked upon by the students as all of them shed a cold sweat.

"You don't mean that you'll...."

"Please do have mercy on my soul, oh great Dwarf Emperor - God of Arts and Crafts."

"....Where do they sell coffins again—?"

I exhaled in slight annoyance, before sighing and snapping my fingers. In an instant, thanks to 'Dimensional Doorway', a 'door' formed, which led out into a field.

"Come on, let's move somewhere where I can test your skills properly."

I stated, before moving first through the door, being followed by Odale and Vien seconds afterwards, as they entered the doorway after me. The Heroes Party and the Students all exchanged gazes with eachother a second, before getting up from their seats and walking over to the doorway.

Morgan peaked into it with amazement, while the others kind of stood around not really that impressed.

"....Compared to what we know he can do, this seems like a miniscule task or feat..."

Jilk stated, exhaling.


"Literally could not have said it better myself."

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