I wake up on the floor in a lot of pain. Sheep. I sit up quietly groaning from the pain in my ribs. Last night was hell.
I walk inside quietly hoping he isn't awake the familuare stench of smokes, alcohol, and drugs fill my nostrals. I shut the door only for my head to be slammed into it.
"WHERE WERE YOU?" He screams slamming my head into the door repeatedly then dropping me to the floor. Pain floods through my head as I feel the familiar warm liquid flow from my head. Blood. "YOU WERE PROBABLY OUT FUCKING SOME RANDOM MAN YOU FUCKING WHORE" he screams at me then kicks my ribs I scream in pain. The pain burns within my ribs as I scream tears stream down my face."p-please stop sir" I manage to say through sobs and screams. He laughs at me
"p-please stop sir" he mocks me "How about no you worthless slut" he kicks my ribs over and over again I scream "SHUT UP" he yells at me. I keep crying "Fine" he grabs my hair and drags me to the kitchen. He gets a tea towel and shoves it in my mouth "I'll give you something to cry about whore" He says then grabs a knife. My eyes widen in fear.He smirks and walks towards me. I start to back away my breathing becoming panicked pants. He catches up to me and holds me to the ground and rips my shirt off. I scream though it comes out muffled against the tea towel . He smirks taking the knife to the side of my ribs and carving something into them again. I scream and cry trying to get away from the burning pain as the cuts meet the air.
He laughs the whole time as I lay there crying and screaming. Then he gets up cleans the knife walks over to me and kicks my ribs over and over again till he gets bored then leaves me in a pool of my blood. After a while I see black dots and before I know it I pass out
End of flashback
I feel a tear slip out as the memories of last night flood my mind. I take a deep breathe wipe my tear and slowly get up being careful of my new injuries. I go to my 'room' a small cupboard upstairs with a broken mattress and piles of clothes in one corner and my school stuff in the other.
I grab my clothes for the day and go to the bathroom. I strip down out of my clothes and look in the mirror. I look pale apart from my colourful ribs. The word whore is carved into the side of my ribs. Before I can stop myself I am getting my blade from the cupboard and cutting my wrist. I watch the blood run down my arm then I take it to my stomach and press the blade to my stomach running it along with enough pressure to cut my skin the blood runs out of my fresh cuts. Before I even realise what has happened I am standing there blood running down my legs, stomach, arms, hands, and collar bones.
I stop and put my blade back shaking my head disappointed in myself it's not like I was a day clean anyways. I get in the shower the cold water freezing me but cleaning me nonetheless. I make my shower fast to get out of the cold water because 'mistakes like me don't deserve hot showers' is what he told me.
I get out clean my cuts and bruises with the things from the first aid kit. I put my black jeans and hoodie on and walk out and into my room. I grab my school bag, phone, headphones, put my shoes on and hobble downstairs because of the pain in my ribs. I quietly walk out the door and down the street. I check my surroundings seeing nobody as it's 7am. I put my headphones in and blast music as I make a painful journey to school
-time skip-
It's second session now I'm currently learning Math which is slowly killing my soul. It's hurting my brain. I try to pay attention to the teacher but it's going in one ear and out the other. I quietly groan annoyed that I can't focus. Stupid math.
"Luna King please report to the principal's office with your bag I repeat Luna King please report to the principal's office with your bag thank you" the speakers say. Me? The principal's office? Oh no. What did I do? I never get in trouble. I haven't done anything. I get up with my bag and just walk out confused and worried.I knock on the principal's door
"Come in" he says. I open the door and walk in after shutting the door. I see two scary looking men in the corner. I smile and wave at them they keep a blank face. Ok. I sit in the chair opposite of the principal. "Luna" he says. Oh no. I'm screwed. Am I going to die? Are the scary people here to kill me? is the principal in on this? Have I offended him somehow? I'm going to die. Have I offended his daughter? Did someone make up a lie about me that results with me in jail? Oh no. Oh no no no. "Luna" the principal's voice snaps me out of my panicking thoughts
"yes?" I ask nervously
"Relax you aren't in trouble" he says. I let out a breath of relief
"So, why am I here?" I ask confused
"Your step father passed away today"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed

The Mafia's Princess
RomanceDespite the cruel world she had a smile on her face-no matter how fake. She was kind and polite and never swore. But what happens when her step-father dies her abuser her rapist dies in a car accident? What happens when she finds out she has nine br...