Chapter 46

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"Luna dinner" Xavier walks in. Without knocking. That does my head in. "Luna hand it over" he says sternly disappointment lacing his tone. Disappointment. DISAPPOINTMENT. AHHHHH. Ok breathe in breathe out. Why am I listening to my stupid therapists? I SHOULD PUNCH HIM. HE HAS NO RIGHT TO BE DISAPPOINTED IN ME. IT'S NOT MY FAULT. Stupid fucking addictions. I give him a blank look. Like fuck you bro. "Now" he demands 
"Get fucked" I say 
"I do now hand it over" he says sternly. I roll my eyes. Ew. TMI bro TMI. "Luna" he warns. I want edibles. NOW 
"Does our mafia sell edibles?" I ask 
"Why?" He asks 
"just want to know for a friend" I say 
"You don't have friends or a friend" he says
"Wow that's rude" I say he rolls his eyes
"Spitting straight facts" he says "Now give me the vape" He commands. 
"Fuck no" I say. White Knight by SkyDxddy plays. I LOVE THIS SONG. I feel joy radiate my body. FUCK YEAH. Finally happy. All it takes is a song? Wow that's just funny. or depressing. Can be argued both ways. I wonder what we are doing in school. Who cares I don't. FUCK SCHOOL. I wonder what would happen if I failed all my classes? I practically do but like yeah. Lol. 
"Luna hand it over now or else you will be grounded" he warns. I gasp dramatically than laugh 
"You mean locked in the house with books? Fuck yeah sign me up" I say happily he groans annoyed 
"Just give me the fucking vape" he says angrily. I can't help the words that come out of my mouth 
"Do you have anger issues? You should get tested" I muse. He sighs angrily while I laugh. "slay" I say laughing. He glares at me I frown "Lighten up a little" I say happily he just walks out. I grin hiding my vape and walking downstairs with a smile on my face. Looks like I pissed him off. I walk into the dinning room everyone eyeing me suspiciously "What?" I ask 
"How did you piss Xavier off?" Antonio asks I just shrug a grin on my face 
"psycho" Carlo mutters 
"Rude. It wasn't in my tests therefore I am not a psycho" I say 
"Imagine having tests" Rocco says. Wow. Bro did me dirty. 
"I'm just special enough to have it on paper imagine not being able to list all your issues to ass holes who ask what is wrong with you" I say happily. It's a skill. Carlo laughs along with Rocco, Damon, Raffaele, Donatello, and a few others. Alessandro sighs looking like he's trying to stay sane or something. My issues fucked me up therefore everyone else deserves my dark humour. Lmao. I think I'm crazy. I stare at the food in front of me. Do I really need to eat it? I'm already fat enough. I'm too ugly. I need to lose weight I'm hideous. My thighs are too big my arms are too fat my waist is sooooo big. I need to be thinner 


"Luna eat" Alessandro says sternly. I can't. I just stare at the food. It physically repulses me right now. there are too many carbohydrates and there is too much food. I don't need it. 

Don't eat your ugly to the point nobody can love you. Or if you do eat just throw it up so you don't gain the weight you ugly bitch. Fucking hideous. Ugly monster. Your so fat and ugly. Look at your stomach hideous. It's not flat. You need to work out you fatty. Ew look at you 

"Luna" Alessandro says sternly I look at him blankly "eat" he says. No. Fuck you. I glare at him. He raises an eyebrow. I continue to glare at him "I didn't do anything" he says confused. You asked me to eat. What an ass hole. he sighs shaking his head. I should go do something productive. Yeah. I get up 
"and you are going?" Alessio asks I shrug 
"to do something productive" I say 
"Without eating?" Romeo asks 
"Stfu" I say 
"Speaking in letters? Should we be more concerned?" Xander asks 
"I just like the sound of it it's addicting" I say. Like drugs. And alcohol. and self harm. and burning yourself. I haven't done that in a while that's a good thing. Achievements. Yay. 
"Stfu?" Dante says confused "Oh I get that now" He says 
"see addicting" I say 
"great now eat" Antonio says 
"Uhhh no" I say "bye" I say then run out of the room and to the music room. I love music. I decide to play the drums. I grab some music from a book put it on the stand and slowly start to learn the song. I like it. I like banging on drums. Ok that was bit dirty or is it just my mind? I can't help but laugh. I'm fucked well and truly. La la la. DIE. oh ummmm my thoughts are fucked. then my phone rings. I answer it 
"Luna you need to go to your room and change into formal wear now don't argue than come down" Alessandro says sternly 
"What? Formal wear? Ew" I say 
"I know but please do it" he says I sigh 
"fine" I say than hang up. I go to my room change into a long sleeve floor length dress and black heels I put my hair in a high ponytail and walk downstairs my family are in suits. They look at me confused. "oh your back" I smile at Xavier who still looks pissed 
"stop arguing you two" Antonio warns 
"It's not arguing it's entertainment" I smile sweetly he sighs irritated 
"Glad vaping is entertaining" Xavier snaps back. Ass hole. everyone looks at me 
"Don't vape kids" I say than burst out laughing. I can't help it.
"Why did my parents have more than two kids?" Alessandro mutters sighing. everyone stares at him 

"I am offended I am gift why everyone else exists is beyond me you only needed me and my amazing self" I say he mutters things under his breath. 
"You? It should be me if any of us were to survive" Antonio says 
"But your boring I may be crazy but I provide entertainment. Isn't that better than being strict and boring and having a stick up your ass?" I say 
"real" Rocco says I grin. See I have a point 
"Luna you need to stay silent during this dinner" Alessandro says seriously. WHAT? "please" he says softly 
"Fine" I huff "Can I have a gun then?" I ask 
"Go get one" he says I grin take my heels off and run upstairs. Fuck running in heels. I go into Alessandro's room and grab a gun. I walk back downstairs playing with the gun when I hear more voices. PEOPLE NOOOOOO. Fuck. Damn it. I put my heels back on and walk into the dinning room where new men sit. NO GIRLS TOO? FUCK. breathe in and out. I don't like this. Anyone else feel their chest closing in? Or an anxiety attack coming on? I look at Luca who looks at me worried slightly I give a slight shake of my head. He nods to the living room I nod and walk out and into the living room. He walks in a few minutes later. I'm struggling to breath and it feels like there is something heavy on my chest. 

"Luna look at me" he says softly crouching in front of me. I look at him "your ok I promise" he says softly. "it's ok" he says slowly I manage to calm down. "here" he hands me a gummy "It's to help anxiety" he says I take it "have another" he hands me another. Yum 
"I like these" I say grinning he chuckles 
"right now please be quiet I know that's hard and unfair but these are dangerous men Luna" he says softly I frown then smile 
"That's why I have a gun" I say happily "Pew pew" I say "Can I kill them?" I ask excitedly he chuckles shaking his head 
"No you cannot" he says I sigh 
"So unfair" I say he just chuckles at me 
"hug?" he asks I grin hugging him "alright ready?" he asks I nod. we walk back in 
"What have to medicate the pussy?" A man asks. PUSSY? WHO YOU CALLING PUSSY? I AM GOING TO SHOOT THIS FUCKER. Carlo looks at me and shakes his head slightly. Should have had some anger gummies if they exist. Or more mood stabilizers. This is going to be a long dinner. I sit down without a word as Alessandro makes up some excuse. Ass. He could have just listed my disorders that's easier. We start eating mainly me zoned out glaring at whatever my eyes land on in this case it's the dude that called me a pussy. "What?" He snaps. I can't talk so. 

"She does that sometimes" Alessio says 
"it's rude" the guy says
"so are you" I mutter pissed 
"got something to say little girl?" Another dude asks. LITTLE GIRL? THAT'S IT. 
"oh shit" Carlo mutters 
"Yeah I fucking do" I snap "Shut the fuck up you rude ass hole" I say pissed 
"Watch it bitch" another says
"At least I don't have a receding hairline and have to take a pill to get it up you old hag" I say pissed. Alessandro chokes on water and the man looks ready to kill me. Suck shit. In my head I am laughing evilly. 
"It was only a matter of time" Carlo mutters amused. I roll my eyes. 
"Is this how she treats everyone? She isn't very trained" a dude says eyeing me in disgust 
"What am I a dog?" I ask scoffing 
"Yes" he says. 
"And what are you? An aye aye?" I ask 
"A what?" they ask 
"A animal that looks ugly and scary but is a fucking pussy" I say 
"creative" Rocco mutters. thank you. 
"No I'm a snake" the man says 
"so a pest?" I ask "or a pet that does what your told?" I ask. He says nothing "Yeah I know smart right" I say smiling bitterly. I want to blow his head off 
"control her" a man snaps at Alessandro 
"bro why do you think I take meds? Nobody can control me" I say Carlo and Damon laugh. Alessandro and Alessio send them a sharp look "Now please leave me the fuck alone" I say calmly 
"You aren't going to find her a husband the useless bitch" a man says looking at me in disgust. Everyone stiffens rage burning in their eyes. I stay calm 
"I'll pass none of you are my type" I say calmly. Alessandro eyes me with weary. the calm before the storm. "I don't particularly like guys with raciting hairlines and that are old enough to be my grandparents" I say 
"Who you calling old whore?" A man snaps pissed. I feel rage burn through every inch of my body. I pick up my gun 
"I suggest you shut the fuck up I don't feel like a blood bath but will happily make one" I say calmly while on the inside I want to pick up a knife and tear him apart the men laugh 
"Like you have the guts to kill someone you are just a weak little girl" a man laughs. 
"Are you downgrading girls and women in the age of the barbie movie?" I ask pissed. He is dead.
"What's it matter you are just a good fuck" another man says. 

"Well fuck you" I say and shoot the man in his shoulder he screams I pick up my knife walk over to him and hold it to his throat. Rage burning inside me "Weak little girl my ass" I say then slit his throat after I stab his other shoulder while he bleeds out "anyone else want to challenge me?" I ask pissed they look at me in fear "good" I say then sit down "Continue" I say calmly 
"fucking hell" Antonio mutters. Carlo nods at me proudly. Awww thanks. Nobody moves. Did I scare them? whoops. 
"I suggest you leave" Alessandro says pissed. The men get up and run out 
"Bye come back soon" I say happily the door closes "I don't think they are coming back" I say. Everyone just stares at me "What?" I ask 
"You just killed someone" Romeo says flatly 
"Not the first nore the last" I say shrugging 
"Yeah but you like shot him then slit his throat and stabbed him while he was dying that's brutal" Luca says I shrug 
"Not the worse" I say. I think I went easy 
"I'm surprised you lasted that long saying nothing" Carlo says "Points to you" he says proudly "also great execution style" he adds
"The comebacks they were creative good job" Rocco says proudly I grin. Alessandro sighs 
"Good job but please refrain from killing people that's our job" He says 
"I'm becoming an assassin may as well start somewhere" I shrug they just stare at me like 'what the fuck' I grin 
"Now we have to clean a fucking body up" Lorenzo groans 
"It's fine clean the blood I'll get rid of the body" I say calmly. Like this is chill 
"clarify 'get rid of the body'" Antonio says 
"Dispose of it" I say "Hide it" I say "I don't know get rid of it like it's gone" I say. What else does it mean?

"You can hide a body?" Xander asks "that is concerning" he says 
"well off to therapy I go" I grin then laugh. Nobody else found it funny. "Ok nevermind" I say 
"you are way to calm about this" Luca says shocked. Well this is nothing. I killed my mother man so like yeah. This was an ass hole who was dam right mean from the beginning and challenged me so easy. The only bad part was getting blood on me because I didn't want to deal with blood today but yeah 
"how does the blood just not phase you?" Dante asks 
"It's me" I say. Like.......I've dealt and still am dealing with self harm, abuse, rape, torture. So like blood is the least of my worries. 
"Yeah but like this is someone else's blood" he says. I killed my mother. THERE WAS BLOOD. How do I hint at the reminder that I killed our mother without saying that bluntly? This is difficult. People annoy me. Then my phone starts ringing. Cyrus. Do I want to answer? yes. Should I answer? Probably. But like they kissed other girls while stalking me. ASS HOLES. 
"Are you going to answer?" Carlo muses 
"still deciding" I say 
"You really need to get over your jealousy issues I'm pretty sure you got payback" Alessandro says. Yeah they weren't happy about some of my outfit choices. What fun I had. 
"Also why are there hickeys on your neck?" Xavier asks. Shit forgot about them. Whoops. Stupid week of high and drunk. Internal groan. 
"I have no idea and I don't want to know" I say. 
"Oh shit" Luca says looking at his phone. 
"Oh shit what?" Alessandro asks.
"There are a few.....things online about you" Luca says to me. ME? WHY ME? Oh. Nevermind. 
"What did you do?" Romeo asks 
"Exist" I say 
"Or burnt an entire building down" Luca says 
"I was high and angry" I say. 
"Why were you angry?" they ask. Why was I angry? Fuck I don't remember. 
"Ignorance is a bliss" I say they give me a flat look "Apples and trees" I say they look at me confused "I think someone pissed me off what they did I have no idea but I do know they had relations to the Russians soooo yeah" I say 
"Ok fair enough" Alessandro shrugs. they just stare at him "Trauma reasons" He says 
"Yes" I grin. I wonder what else I can get away with. Well that's going to be fun to work out. Oh I should call Cyrus back. "I'll be back" I say getting up and walking out they narrow their eyes at me. I call Cyrus 

"Luna?" He asks 
"Nah it's batman duh" I say 
"I missed you" He says sounding hurt or something 
"I don't know if I did or not" I say 
"Fair" he says "So, what you doing?" he asks 
"About to go get rid of a body" I say casually 
"What now?" he asks
"Going to get rid of a body" I say slowly 
"Ok what the fuck?" he asks I laugh 
"some ass hole was pissing me off and I uhh killed him" I say. he sighs 
"You can't kill everyone that pisses you off" he says 
"I know sadly otherwise everyone would be dead" I say 
"I'll help if you don't kill me" He says 
"Or me" I hear Dominic, Hades, and Ares say 
"Ok" I say. That's a win. "You do realise there is going to be a big war right?" I ask. I mean Russian mafia so like yeah. 
"baby I don't care. We would burn the world for you and if we are going to do it with you than so be it" Ares says. Oh my god. I um have no words. I just hang up. Holy fuck. AHHHHHH. My insides are doing flips. Why are they flipping? is that normal? Am I sick? Am I dying? OH MY GOD I'M DYING. OH SHIT. WHAT DID I DO? WHY ARE MY INSIDES FLIPPING? WHAT DISEASE DID I GET? HOW DID I GET IT? AHHHHHHH. 
"oh shit why do you look like your panicking?" Xander walks in 
"I'm dying" I say panicked he looks alarmed 
"What did you do?" He asks worried
"I don't know but my insides are flipping" I say panicked. He stops panicking and frowns then walks out. WHY DOESN'T HE CARE I'M DYING? WTF? ASS HOLE. I'LL SHOOT HIM. Instead I just curl up on the couch and cry. 
"What's wrong?" Luca runs in hugging me 
"I'm dying" I cry 
"Why? What's wrong? What happened?" He asks panicked 
"My insides are flipping" I cry. he pauses. I look up at him. He looks somewhere in between holding a laugh and pissed. Instead he just laughs. "There are bugs in my stomach" I say panicked. He laughs harder. "You ass hole" I push him away and keep crying he just laughs his head off while I cry. I'm dying and he's laughing. 
"What's wrong sweet girl?" Carlo sits next to me and cuddles me 
"I'm dying" I say 
"No you are not" he says sternly 
"I have bugs in my stomach and my insides are flipping I'm dying" I cry. Luca laughs harder. 
"She" he laughs "has" He laughs harder "butterflies" he laughs I cry harder. Carlo hugs me tighter. 
"Luca and Xander don't even care" I sob. 
"Trust me they care Luca just finds this funny because he's an ass hole" Dante walks in and sits on the other side of me "Just wait till you get a boyfriend he'll find it really funny then" he says 
"No" Luca and Carlo say sternly. 
"ew" I say "Boys are overrated" I say "and just ew" I say 
"Good stay like that" Alessandro walks in 
"Too late for that" Xander mutters annoyed 
"Why?" I ask 
"butterflies" Xander says flatly I look at him confused "God that is sad" he says 
"you know what fuck you all I'm going to go google this shit to make sure I'm not dying" I get up annoyed and go to my room. I start to google it. butterflies are caused from stress, attraction, excitement, nervousness, or anxiety. Oh. So attraction, excitement and nervousness caused mine? right. and the inside flippings are just apart of that. DO I HAVE A CRUSH? oh shit. Fuck no. Ew. Ew. EW. My phone is blowing up. I can't talk to them. I A hung up on them and B they might make the butterflies come back and C I might have a crush. Oh fuck. 


Well well well. Shooting and killing people? Butterflies? Attraction? Boys? Yay. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I did actually for once. Sad part is I started school this week. It's not a vibe. I prefered holidays well the nights when I stayed up to like 3am or 4am sometimes 6am writing. That was a vibe. Anyways hope you liked 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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