Alessandro's pov
It's been hours and we haven't seen or heard from Luna and I'm really worried being the world's biggest mafia has bad sides and that includes enemies and lots of them. We all get out of our cars at the house after searching for her
"Where could she be?" Carlo asks worried.
"Has she ever ran off before?" Lorenzo one of our cousins asks
"yep" we say
"To a bridge" Rocco says worriedly and sadly
"A bridge? Why?" our cousins ask
"to jump" I say. That day was fucking hell. I had no idea and felt like fucking hell
"to jump?" They ask shocked and worried
"did she?" Elio asks worried
"yep" we say
"she ended up in hospital and we found out about her past and she's suicidal. She's going to start therapy and I've locked every sharp item in the house away" I say
"Holy fuck" they say shocked
"yeah" We say. Then we hear a bike come from down the driveway and Luna is on it. I feel myself let out a sigh of relief. She gets off and walks inside completely ignoring us. Great. I guess she got sick of the lies in her life and is now pissed which is fair she has put up with a lot of shit in the last few weeks. We were complete ass holes and honestly we deserve whatever she sends our way."Well, we fucked up" Luca says
"yeah I guess lying to her wasn't the best idea" Antonio says
"yeah but I'm sure you had a good reason" Dante says
"idiot it was the reason we didn't soundproof her room" Antonio says
"Oh yeah" Dante says "What was that again?" He asks
"In case she snuck a boy in or someone broke in" Lorenzo says. Even he knows
"Oh yeah" Dante says "I remember now" He says we roll our eyes.
"We should probably check on her" Raffaele says glancing at the house worriedly
"Yeah" we say
"She doesn't get mad very often so be nice yeah?" I say they all nod and we go to her room. we knock and get no reply "Luna?" I ask softly
"Fuck off yeah?" she calls out pissed. Ok fair enough.
"Luna come on" I say softly
"Nah I'm good just leave me alone" she says pissed
"Come on please we just want to talk" Antonio says softly
"well, I don't want to talk" she says pissed
"Why not?" he asks
"How do I know you won't lie again?" she asks. That's fair
"we promise" I say
"People break promises" She says pissed with hurt in her voice. "Everyone breaks promises so don't go making promises you can't keep" she says coldly. We sigh. Then she just blasts music. The song though. It's really concerning.Luna's pov
Baby Don't Cut by Bmike plays on the speakers of my room. I don't care if they can hear it. It's a good song that I relate to not them or anyone else. Me. I just lay on my bed as I mouth the lyrics knowing every single word. That's pretty fucked but hey it's my life and there's nothing I can do about it. Hours pass and I just listen to the same song on repeat. Eventually I hear a knock on my door.
"Go away" I say. My voice sounds croaky from not using it for so long
"Luna please can I come in?" Alessandro asks he almost sounds desperate
"Go away" I say
"At least come out to eat it's been hours it's the next day" he says worried. It is? Oh I didn't know my blinds are closed it's dark
"I'm not hungry" I say
"Well you need to eat" Antonio says sternly
"Go away" I say
"Luna get out here now or I will come in and carry you down myself" he says sternly
"Just leave me alone" I say.
"Fine have it your way" He says followed by footsteps leaving. A few seconds later there is noise in my door handle and the door bursts open. "Lets go" he walks over to me
"Fuck off" I say rolling over onto my side
"Luna get up now" He demands
"Antonio be nice" Alessandro says
"she needs to eat" Antonio says sternly
"I need a fucking nap" I mutter
"That too. And stop swearing" Antonio says sternly. I sigh annoyed."Luna he has a point you need to eat" Alessandro says softly. Is it opposite day? Antonio is the soft and nice one and Alessandro is the hard ass. What is going on?
"Are you two swapping personalities or something?" I ask sitting up looking at them they look at each other slightly confused then realisation flashes across their face they shake their heads
"Just come down and eat" Antonio says
"HURRY UP I'M HUNGRY" Dante yells from downstairs I flinch from the noise.
"Fine" I say and get up. I'm still upset that they lied to me. We walk downstairs and into the dinning room. My cousins are still here so more people. Yay. Also why don't I have any girl cousins and how did I get stuck with all brothers and no sisters? I don't know and I don't like it it's not fair too many boys and I don't have any friends so I can't escape from them. Oh the torture. We sit down and start eating everyone talking I just chose to listen.

The Mafia's Princess
RomantizmDespite the cruel world she had a smile on her face-no matter how fake. She was kind and polite and never swore. But what happens when her step-father dies her abuser her rapist dies in a car accident? What happens when she finds out she has nine br...