Chapter 33

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We get home and I am surrounded by questions. Huh? I'm so confused what are they saying? This is overwhelming. My little brain isn't computing. 
"Give the kid some space for fucks sake" Alessandro says. And he tells me not to swear. Ass hole. Like how is this fair I can't swear yet he's as bad as I am. Annoying. My head hurts. I want a tattoo today like now. I think I'll get one tonight. 
"No" everyone says sternly 
"What?" I ask 
"Getting a tattoo tonight no absolutely not" Alessio says sternly. Oh fuck I said that out loud whoops 
"ok I'll was thinking to myself don't worry" I would worry. Maybe I could get a piercing. I want a belly button piercing, a nose piercing, a helix, and maybe something else on my ears. "Can I get piercings?" I ask 
"well they aren't permanent" Alessandro says 
"where?" Antonio asks 
"Nose, belly button, helix, my first, and maybe something else" I say 
"No" He says. The fuck? I would hate to be his child. It's fine Carlo will take me later I know that. Honestly he would take me to get a tattoo soooo may as well while we're out. I should get a matching tattoo with Carlo that would be fucking awesome. Ok. 

"So, what we doing for the rest of the day because I'm bored?" Dante asks 
"honestly same" I say 
"your sleeping" Alessandro says I frown. "Don't" he says 
"but I'm not tired" I say they look at me like 'are you fucking crazy?' 
"You passed out from exhaustion for starters" Luca says. And blood loss and lack of food because I hate food but anyways. 
"I'll make you a deal" Carlo say 
"yes" I say 
"Go to sleep and you can get a tattoo within the next two weeks" He says 
"Goodnight" I say and walk up to my room letting them argue about that. Well looks like I'm getting a tattoo soon. I go to my room play some music and slowly fall asleep. When I wake up someone is talking to me

"Come on time to take the fish for a walk" Alessandro says 
"huh?" I ask 
"come on you need to take the fish skydiving" he says 
"What?" I ask confused 
"yeah you need to take the fish to a sushi restaurant" he says 
"What fish?" I am really confused 
"I said you need to get up it's time for dinner" he says I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "what did you think I said?" he asks
"I'm taking a fish for a walk taking a fish skydiving and taking it to a sushi restaurant" I say 
"What fish?" He asks
"your asking me I don't know" I say we just stare at each other 
"what are you two doing? I'm hungry" Dante walks in 
"She was talking about a fish and I was telling her to come eat" Alessandro says 
"You were talking about a fish" I say. WTF? 
"Ok lets go I'm hungry" Dante picks me up throws me on his back and carries me downstairs 
"I can walk" I say 
"I can't be bothered to put you down" he says. so why did you pick me up? My head hurts living with these idiots. Dante puts me down once we are in the dining room. weirdo. I sit down next to Carlo. Why are they talking about different types of cheese? It's fucking cheese most of them taste good. I give up these people hurt my head.

"Do you have any tattoo ideas?" Carlo asks me 
"Yeah I have a few" I say 
"we are going to start small" He says
"Ok" I say 
"What ideas you got?" He asks 
"A smiley face on my rude finger, a spinal tattoo, one below my ribs, something to do with a dinosaur, a heart with a semi colon on the back of my neck, a butterfly, stars on my scars, something to do with music, and something on my wrist" I list off. He stares at me surprised 
"You have really thought about this" he says 
"yeah well I've always liked the idea of them" I say "They are pretty and hurt which I kinda find comfort in pain" I say. He nods some sadness to his face. "Can we go get piercing's tonight?" I ask 
"sure" he says 
"Are you two seriously talking about this now? I've already said no" Antonio says. I roll my eyes
"Good thing I don't listen to the word no" I mutter to myself 

"We are well aware of your listening capabilities considering you ran off with your stalkers" Rocco says 
"They were nice and I met their parents who are nice as well" I say 
"Ok just because a puppy is nice doesn't mean it won't bite" Xavier says. That's a great point not that I will tell him that 
"Yes but these guys were hot" I say 
"ok but if a fifty year old man is hot and stalks you what would you do?" Alessandro asks. 
"Fifty? I have daddy issues but not that bad jeez" I say. Carlo and a few others laugh 
"Fucking hell" Alessio sighs 
"what?" I ask smiling 
"You need serious help" Lorenzo says 
"That's why books exist" I say 
"they just make you more fucked up" Romeo says 
"They broaden my vocabulary and knowledge about stuff" I say 
"yeah stalkers" Xander says 
"Hot stalkers be specific but not just that" I say 
"What else then?" Raffaele asks 
"Forced marriages, kidnapping, brothers best friend, enemies to lovers, serial killer tropes, mafia tropes, possessive trope, bully, why chose, age gap, forbidden romance, demon books. why are you guys looking at me like I'm crazy?" I list off 

"are we going to talk about some of those tropes or just pretend this conversation never happened?" Nicolas asks "because after having conversations with you I think we all need therapy" he adds 
"Is that a good thing?" I ask
"No" he says 
"oh well" what should I say "Womp womp" perfect 
"What is a bully trope?" Rocco asks 
"one of the mc's is a bully to the other mc and then after a while they fall in love" I say 
"How do you fall in love with a bully?" Xander asks confused 
"How do you fall in love with a stalker? Kidnapper? Serial killer? Mafia lord? A demon? someone you were forced to marry?" I ask 
"A demon?" they ask 
"What? Demons are hot" I say 
"I can't tell what's worse your trauma or book taste" Carlo says I laugh 
"Finally someone made a trauma joke" I grin 
"you really are fucked up" Rocco says 
"Ask any girl most of them have read something dark or just the crazy ones" I say 
"Crazy ones" they say 
"I'm sure Carla has read a dark romance" I say 
"I remember she brang Corrupt by Penelope Douglas to work one day but that's not that bad" Antonio says. Dam. 
"I wouldn't be too sure about that" I muse. What shit is she into? 
"Ok what about Den Of Vipers? isn't that a nature book?" He asks I choke on my air. 
"No it's not a nature book" I laugh. Fucking hell. 
"What's it about?" Alessio asks 
"Why chose, kidnapper, and mafia trope" I say 
"Jeez" Antonio says "I really need to rethink my opinion on people" he says I grin 
"At least I have someone to talk to about books" I say shrugging. 
"weird ass books" Raffaele mutters 
"At least they are interesting" I say 
"they are pure smut" he says 
"There is plot if you squint hard enough" I say they sigh. I need to read more of Hunting Adeline but it's sooooo sad and really hits home. 

"What are you thinking about?" Alessandro asks 
"I started reading the second book to Haunting Adeline" I say 
"Oh god no" Rocco says 
"it's so sad" I say 
"Sad?" he asks 
"Addie is kidnapped and Zade is losing his mind" I say 
"How is that sad? Maybe she will fall in love with her kidnapper. Isn't that a trope?" Dante says 
"No it's not that type of book and by kidnapped I mean she has a price over her head to be sold. Let me clear something up Zade kills rapists he stops sex trafficking" I say "and Addie had to get kidnapped by a sex trafficking place and fuck I feel horrible for her. Oh and this bitch called Sydney I can't decide whether I hate her or feel sorry for her because she fucking sabotaged Addie but she was kidnapped too and didn't deserve the shit that happened to her which is fucking vile" I say "But doing that shit to Addie because she's jealous or something fuck it makes me pissed" I say "and the bitch that runs the place fuck I didn't see it coming so the in the first book Addie had to find out who murdered her great grandma and she did it was her husbands best friend who had feelings for her he was the chief of police or some shit and his son or grandson or something Max he abused his wife and she runs the whole society and sex trafficking place something Max was apart of but died by the hands of Zade in a very cruel way but I must admit Zade was really smart when doing torture he made a machine to restart the heart as soon as it stopped just to keep killing him. I'm pretty sure Zade killed him three times before letting him die anyways yeah so Max's wife Gigi's husbands best friends grandson or something runs the society which is really fucked up like they drink kids blood just to get into the society which is vile again but yeah so that's the fucked up world of Zade and Addie" I explain they just stare at me. 

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