Chapter 11

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The truth hurts. Nobody has said anything and when I look up I see tears streaming down their faces. Oh. I don't even have tears running down my face mostly because I'm numb but yeah. Great now I've made people cry. Stupid me. I should have just lied. 

"is that why your scared of loud noises?" Alessandro breaks the silence 
"yeah" I say 
"And why I wake up in the middle of the night to screaming?" Carlo asks 
"Nightmares" I say. we all just stare at each other. the doctor walks in "let me guess your here to tell me what I need to do?" I ask 
"Yep" he says 
"Don't bother I know the drill. No sharp objects, no going places by myself, no self medicating, always have a phone on me, go to school counselor twice a week if it happens again go to a mental ward for a week or till I'm better" I say numbly he just stares at me but slowly nods 
"yep" He says I nod. He walks out 
"How do you know that off by heart?" Antonio asks 
"Is he stupid?" Dante asks 
"No" Antonio says 
"being told the same thing lots of times you get used to it" I say sighing. Who even saved me? "who saved me?" I ask they shrug 
"A boy who goes to our school" Rocco says I nod. That must be traumatising. Welcome to the club. Womp womp. Lol. Where did my head go wrong? 

"So" Carlo says 
"So" Luca says. Talk about awkward. I want to get drunk fuck this. feelings are overrated. Why do I feel so numb? Maybe drugs could fix that I mean some give you a euphoric feeling and I would love that right now. Just something other then numbness. I feel like I've felt like this for years but just refused t admit it. Also, why have none of my attempts worked? Like I've tried countless of times and they never work. It fucking sucks 

"So" Dante says. How did I end up here with these people again? 
"So, how likely are you to try and kill yourself again?" Xavier asks me 
"Dude what kind of questions is that?" Luca asks 
"A fair question" Xavier says. Luca has a point though. Who asks that? 
"That is a fair question" Carlo says. Dam it. Everyone looks at me 
"What?" I ask 
"Answer the question" Alessandro says 
"Nope" I say. I don't want all the sharp things locked away from me. I like sharp things. They provide comfort. 
"If you think we aren't going to take sharp things away based on your answer think again there are already locks being installed to everything that has something sharp in it" Alessandro tells me. I scowl. 

Mother fucker. "Go on answer the question" he says gently yet sternly 
"No" I say. At least I still have my blades. At that thought I smile. Thank fuck for that. I need those things. Honestly they are the one thing I rely on. Dam ok that's sad. Oh well I am sad I just smile an awful lot to cover up the pain. I'm so glad they have no idea about my blades I honestly need those mother fuckers. OMG I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW FUCK YEAH. 

"And you are suddenly happy because?" Luca asks 
"No school for a week" I grin they sigh 
"Not a good thing" Antonio says 
"It's an amazing thing" I say happily
"No it's not" Alessandro says 
"How?" I ask 
"You are suspended Luna suspended" He says 
"Nah really" I say sarcastically. He raises an eyebrow at me 
"Is that attitude?" He asks 
"God help you a kid has attitude" I say sarcastically he just stares at me. I grin. 
"Do you have a death wish?" Xander asks 
"Do I have to answer that?" I ask 
"No" he says 
"If someone were to kill me just make it quick get a gun straight through the head or crash a car or send me in a submarine and send it down too far it would just implode and I wouldn't feel a thing" I say. They just stare at me
"we aren't letting you die just saying" Alessandro says I shrug. That's up to me 
"So, are you going to answer the question?" Antonio asks

"No" I say. It's highly likely not that they need to know. Maybe I could go out and find a higher bridge. Yes. I should just find a tall enough building then I would die instantly no pain no suffering nothing just death. Quick and easy. 
"Luna if you don't answer the question I will put you in a mental ward" Alessandro says. Not again. 
"First you would have to get a psych evaluation" I say 
"well, aren't you lucky I'm a psychiatrist" Luca says. Oh shit fuck no 
"Nope" I say "You aren't" I say "you have teleported.......and that.....ummm made you now you're a dinosaur" I say they just stare at me
"I think a psych evaluation would just be a good idea" Carlo says I stare at him 
"Now that is just mean" I say "I am not crazy" I say 
"I would honestly bet on that" he says I stick the rude finger up at him "Real mature" He says sarcastically 

"I'm not mature I'm a child for fu-freaks sake" I say. I had to stop myself from swearing then. 
"Awww the child can't swear" Xavier teases
"Fuck you" I say 
"Luna" Alessandro warns
"He fucking challenged me I don't back down from a challenge I thought we learnt that lesson when I knocked that bitch unconscious" I say 
"Language" He warns I scowl. Fuck you. "What did you just say?" He asks pissed. Oh shit I said that out loud. 
"that was not meant to come out you see sometimes my mouth it just uhhh moves without thinking and then starts to just randomly speak my thoughts which is not a good thing and I didn't mean to say that and ummmm yeah" I ramble on 

"you talk an awful lot" Alessandro says. well, I got out of that 
"Did you just like forget what she said?" Antonio asks Alessandro. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? YOU DON'T JUST SNITCH 
"I got distracted" Alessandro says "Stop swearing" he warns me. I glare at Antonio 
"What did I do?" He asks 
"Snitched" Xavier says in a 'duh' tone Alessandro rolls his eyes 
"Attitude" I mutter 
"Luna are you mimicking me?" Alessandro asks half amused and half pissed 
"So, who wants to go home?" I ask 
"I feel very ignored" Alessandro says 
"Womp womp" I say. I get a few snickers

"I will admit I did not think you were cool enough to know what that was" Rocco says. I grab a pillow and throw it at him 
"Ass hole" I say 
"Luna" Alessandro says sternly 
"whoops" I say. 
"you are going to be the death of me" He says. Do I want to make a truma joke? Nah I'll save it 
"I haven't even done anything yet" I say they stare at me 
"You got suspended for a week, got into a fight, have been in the hospital twice, sworn, gave attitude, I've heard you skipped a few classes, and stayed up past bedtime" Alessandro says. Oh yeah. Whoops. 

"Which classes did you skip?" Xander asks 
"Math" I say in disgust. ew. math. 
"The one class you happen to be failing" Alessandro says I scowl 
"Math is so easy" Luca says 
"no it's not. Letters never should have come into math. Math is numbers letters are letters for words not fucking math problems keep them seperate" I say annoyed 
"Language" Alessandro warns me
"Agreed" Raffaele says "Math sucks ass" He says 
"Exactly" I say "Oh shit I think I told my math teacher to kiss my ass at some point" I say. Whoops 
"Fucking hell" Alessandro sighs 

"I know I'm a gift" I say grinning 
"From hell" He says 
"You can make jokes? Wow" I say 
"Yes I can make jokes I'm not a stick" Alessandro says 
"a stick? You compare yourself to a stick. Is your self esteem ok?" I ask. Everyone laughs and Alessandro just sighs staring at me I grin 
"My self esteem is fine a stick is just the first thing I thought of" he says. Ok 
"you know there is a song about sticks" I say 
"And you know this because?" Dante asks 
"Why not" I shrug then sigh with a frown on my face 
"Oh no what is it?" Antonio asks
"I can't get a pet penguin even though it's legal" I say 
"How why what?" Carlo says confused 
"well, I have to have twenty or so penguins just to get one because pack animals then I have to find a cold enough place and on top of that lots and lots of fish" I say 
"Why would you want to know this?" Dante asks 
"Why not" I say "Everyone has wanted a random pet" I say 
"Nope" they say 
"How do we feel about a snake?" I ask 
"No" Antonio says quickly 
"Are you scared of snakes?" I ask 
"no" he says 
"So, if I snuck out and got a pet snake and it's in my school bag you wouldn't freak out?" I ask acting guilty. Antonio's eyes widen 
"Get rid of it" he says sternly I just grin reaching for my school bag "No get up and take it outside now" he demands 

"but it's so cute" I smile 
"I don't care it needs to go" he says 
"but he's adorable and I've got two" I say 
"Carlo take the bag and get rid of them" Antonio says sternly. I just stare at Carlo amused he shakes his head amused chuckling. 
"You can laugh?" I say shocked he rolls his eyes smiling slightly 
"Yes I can laugh" He says 
"Wow I thought you had a permanent scowl" I muse he frowns "Cheer up" I pause thinking of a nickname. Sunshine. "Cheer up sunshine" I say giggling. 
"Sunshine?" He asks shocked and in disgust 
"Yes sunshine" I grin 

"I want a nickname" Everyone says 
"Well, wait patiently" I say. They just scoff while I grin 
"Come on let's go home" Alessandro says I nod getting out of bed and stretching wincing slightly from the pain especially from my ribs. They hurt like a bitch. 
"You good?" Xavier asks worried 
"Fine" I say 
"So, why are you wincing?" Xander asks 
"Stupid ribs" I say 
"You fell on your back" Antonio says
"Nah really" I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes "Attitude" I mutter mimicking Alessandro 
"What was that?" Alessandro asks I just smile innocently he shakes his head muttering something under his breathe and walking out. I just follow him everyone else hot on my tail and with that we get in a car and drive home


So yeah. Hope you enjoyed 


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