"your step father passed away". I feel my whole world pause for a moment then a wave of relief washes over me. Relief? Joy? Freedom? I just sit there shocked as the words slowly process.
Is the first thought that goes to my brain. I'm free. I'm actually free.
"How?" I can't stop myself from asking
"He was in a car crash while under the influence of alcohol and drugs" The principal says
"Is the other person ok?" I ask. The principal stares at me in slight shock before answering
"Umm yeah the other person is ok he is currently in hospital for a concussion and stitches" he says still slightly shocked at my lack of reaction.I just nod. His death was coming sooner or later. A person clears their throat "Right umm this is Tom and Jerry your brothers sent them to get you" he says. Brothers? Hold on what?
"brothers?" I ask confused and shocked
"Yes brothers" The principal says
"I have brothers?" I ask again
"yes" he says
"Brothers? are you sure?" I ask
"Yes Luna we are sure they are your brothers" the principal says slightly annoyed. I just nod. Right ok I got brothers.
"Miss are you ready to go?" Tom asks
"Umm yeah I just need to stop by my house to get a few things" I say still shocked
"Of course" he says
"Well, it was an honor to have you as my student and I wish you the best of luck" the principal says
"thanks" I say a small smile on my lips he nods at me and I walk out of the office with Tom and Jerry behind me.I walk out and into the carpark where they take me to a beautiful black Range Rover Sport Dynamic SE. Dam. I just stare at the beauty.
"Miss?" I hear Jerry ask
"just a minute please" I say and just stare at it. So pretty "ok sorry" I say smiling at them
"are you going to get in?" Tom asks
"yes sorry" I smile at them and get in the car. They both get in the front and we start driving me giving them directions to my house. We arrive and I stare at it for a good solid minute memories running through my head and not good memories. "Can you please wait here I won't be long?" I ask Tom and Jerry they nod a small look of sympathy on their face. I smile lightly and get out I walk into the house.The smell of alcohol and smoke still there. Broken bottles of alcohol, needles, cups, plates around the place along with blood marks that I couldn't get out of the wall, lines of cocaine on kitchen bench ready to snort, random pills on the floor and living room table. I go up to my 'room' grab a bag and put my clothes in it. I grab my teddy that I've had for as long as I can remember and put it in my bag, I go to the bathroom and grab my blade and concealer and walk out. Then I go back into my 'room' to grab my sleeping pills because I struggle to sleep and they help the nightmares sometimes. I walk downstairs and out the door not looking back. I get in the car Tom and Jerry looking at me
"That it?" Jerry asks
"yeah" I smile at them they nod and we start driving "So, how many brothers do I have?" I ask
"you don't know?" Tom asks
"no I didn't even know I had brothers up until 30 minutes ago" I say
"umm right you have nine" He says
"Nine" I say shocked "Holy sheep" I say "do I have any sisters?" I ask hopeful
"Sorry" They say. Dam it
"So, what are their names?" I ask
"Well, there's Alessandro he's the oldest and he's 26, Antonio he's 25, Luca and he's 23, Carlo and he's 22, Raffaele he's 18, Dante he's 17, Xavier, Xander, and Rocco the triplets they are 16" Jerry says
"Ok thanks. So, do you guys have any family?" I ask
"yeah I have 2 sons and a daughter" Tom says
"I have 3 sons and a daughter" Jerry says. They both sound happy
"How old are they?" I ask
"My daughters 16 and my 2 sons are 17" Tom says
"My daughter is 14 and my oldest boy is 17 the younger 2 are both 16" Jerry says
"Nice" I smile. We drive in a comfortable silence and get to an airport. Woah. We drive past the regular place and into a place that says 'private only'. Tom stops the car and they get out me doing the same. Then I see a jet. Holy sheep. I've never flown before. What if it crashes? What if a wing fails? What if the motor fails? What if we run out of fuel? What if there is a bomb on the plane? Don't be ridiculous there can't be a bomb on the plane this isn't a movie
"Miss?" Tom calls out
"Sorry nervous first time flying and please call me Luna" I smile
"There is nothing to worry about" he smiles softly I just nod and follow them onto the plane. I sit down opposite them and look out the window. I put my seatbelt on and before I know it we are in the air. I watch the clouds as we fly over America. Woah. This is so cool.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hope you like this chapter idk how to feel about it. So, we get to meet the brothers next chapter lets hope it all goes well. Well, I don't think it's going to go well considering the fact they are literally all boys and run a mafia sooooooo yeah. Anyways

The Mafia's Princess
Storie d'amoreDespite the cruel world she had a smile on her face-no matter how fake. She was kind and polite and never swore. But what happens when her step-father dies her abuser her rapist dies in a car accident? What happens when she finds out she has nine br...