-Luna's pov-
Love Is Gone[acoustic] by SLANDER & Dylan Matthew plays through the houses speakers as I sing and dance around in my socks. I'm making cookies because relapsing is bad and the thought won't leave my head. I'm ok though for now anyways. I can do this I can stay clean.
-time skip-
It's been a few hours and my family has checked in twelve times within the last seven hours so it's 8am. It's starting to get annoying. They call again.
"If you call me one more time before 5pm I am smashing my phone and leaving the house" I say once I answer.
"sorry" they say I sigh
"it's fine but you are calling me a lot and it's getting annoying I am trying to chill out and you are making it hard" I say
"ok we'll stop" Alessandro says
"I'll still spam you tick tocks" Rocco says I roll my eyes. He has spammed my tick tock to the point I am debating blocking him.
"Rocco I am warning you I will block you. On every social media account" I say sternly
"Fine" he says then my timer rings
"The cupcakes" I run to the kitchen phone in hand. I put my phone on the bench and take the cupcakes out. I put them on the stove and turn the oven off. I pick a cupcake up and bite it "Oww hot hot" I say putting the cupcake on the bench
"Didn't you just take them out?" Antonio asks
"Ok eating right after wasn't my smartest idea" I say
"No it wasn't" he says I shake my head. I want to chop my hair off.
"Ok well we will let you go" Alessandro says
"I'll talk to you at 5pm" I say
"yes Luna" He muses
"bye people" I say
"BYE BESTIE" Dante yells
"ew" I say flatly. Just ew. Everyone but Dante laughs
"I am offended" he says
"Sucks to be you" I say smirking.
"At least I didn't burn my tongue with a cupcake I just took out of the oven" he says
"You are not getting any now" I say
"NOOOOOO" he cries. I flinch slightly from the loud noise
"Hey ass hole keep it down yeah?" I say annoyed. I hate that I still get scared from loud noises it pisses me off.
"But" He says
"Dante quiet whining she isn't going to give you shit while you are whining" Alessandro says I smirk. Suck shit. "Luna drop the smirk" he says I just chuckle
"bye lunatics" I say and hang up. I continue to dance and cook for the whole day and text my stalkers because I should reply. It's 5pm now and I'm cooking mac and cheese as I hum along to Elastic Heart by Sia when I feel hands around my waist I scream but a hand is over my mouth I start to struggle scared shitless as memories flood my mind.
"Ares you are scaring her" a familiar voice says
"Sorry kitten" Ares says letting me go. I turn around and look at them with a glare
"Don't ever do that again" I say pissed he puts his hands up in mock surrender
"sorry" He says. I just turn around and keep cooking.
"What are you four even doing here?" I ask as I continue to make the sauce.
"What you making?" Cyrus asks standing next to me
"Lipstick and ass dick" I say he rolls his eyes
"Mac and cheese stupid" Dominic says standing on the other side of me.
"Why did you lose your phone?" Hades asks sounding irritated
"For sleeping over with my stalkers" I say "And probably other stuff no doubt" I say shrugging. then my phone rings. I sigh and answer it putting it on speaker "Yes?" I ask
"My favourite little sister" Carlo's cheerful voice greets.
"Did you kill someone or something?" I ask. He sounds too cheerful
"Yes why?" he asks
"you sound like you are in a good mood" I say he scoffs
"and you sound slightly irritated" Antonio says
"that I am" I say
"why?" Luca asks. Because my stalkers scared the shit out of me and are annoying me
"No reason" I lie
"Don't lie Luna" Alessandro says sternly
"You sound annoyed" I say amused.
"Yeah well my best friend was meant to check on you but I haven't heard from him" he says I roll my eyes. My stalkers eyes widen. Oh fuck. I look at them
"Hold for two seconds" I say then mute my microphone "What did you idiots do?" I ask
"We found a guy at the front door and may have kidnapped him and took him to our basement at home" Ares says
"YOU FUCKING MORON" I yell at him
"Watch the tone" Dominic warns I sigh irritated. Everything is pissing me off today. I just unmute the microphone
"You ok?" Alessandro asks
"Fine" I say irritated
"Watch the tone" He warns.
"Watch the tone" I mimic once I mute the microphone then unmute it "I know what happened to your friend" I say
"what?" he asks irritated.
"Watch the tone" I warn
"Do not play with me Luna what happened to him?" He asks pissed
"My stalkers" I say he mumbles incoherent things under his breath
"they wouldn't happen to be there would they?" Carlo asks pissed. I say nothing. "Luna" he warns
"Maybe" I say "yes" I say
"THE FUCK?" they yell I roll my eyes
"I'm bored and they are annoying me but entertaining nonetheless" I say. and hot very hot.
"Luna where are you? and where are they?" Alessandro asks
"We are all in the kitchen" I say
"So, they can hear everything?" Carlo asks
"duh" I say. my stalkers just look at me
"Stop stalking my sister" Alessandro says pissed.
"Wow that was so effective good job" I say sarcastically. Cyrus snorts. I flick his forehead
"What did I do?" He asks
"breathed" I say shrugging
"Cyrus?" Luca asks
"wow the fucking Spanish mafia. God you really are good at pulling trouble Luna" Xavier says
"I am trouble" I say happily
"That you are" Alessio mutters
"how about you get your stalkers out of our house?" Damon asks
"Nope" My stalkers say then they have a full on argument. I finish cooking my mac and cheese and just sit back and watch. This my friends is FREE entertainment FREE entertainment and in my own home too. This is golden.
"You enjoying yourself there?" Cyrus asks me snapping the attention to me
"Very much so" I grin
"Luna" Alessandro says sternly I sigh
"I haven't broken any rules. I didn't leave the house and I'm not having a party" I say.
"You have stalkers in our house" Xavier says "That is an unspoken rule" he says
"well maybe speak it next time" I say they sigh "Now you lot continue arguing I'm going to go watch Twilight" I say
"Again?" everyone asks
"it's a good series" I say "You know what fuck it I'm going to read Hunting Adeline" I grin skipping upstairs to get my book. I grab it and go back downstairs and go to the loungeroom my stalkers following me with the phone. I open it and continue where I left off while my family and stalkers argue "NOOOOOOOO YOU MOTHER FUCKER" I scream and throw the book. Everything falls silent "NO NO NOOOO" I yell pissed. I HATE YOU SYDNEY HOW COULD YOU! "Poor Addie" I say a few tears slipping out
"Yeah maybe any supervision is good" Antonio says
"I was angry at my book relax I didn't hurt anyone" I pick my book back up
"A book is a weapon in your hands" Xander says
"Fuck off" I say and continue reading. I feel so sad for Addie.

The Mafia's Princess
RomanceDespite the cruel world she had a smile on her face-no matter how fake. She was kind and polite and never swore. But what happens when her step-father dies her abuser her rapist dies in a car accident? What happens when she finds out she has nine br...