Chapter 9

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I grab my book and go sit in a corner with my teddy. I just stay in my room for hours reading with my teddy. I shouldn't be reading this but I am and it's fucking addicting. 

-time skip-

It's been a few weeks and nothing has improved. I've started school which is another hell hole because I'm getting bullied but I still have a smile on my face. I don't socialise with my brothers as per their demand. It's getting tiring all this fakeness. The fake smile, the fake energy, the fake happiness it's draining me slowly and I can feel myself changing. I can't even stay one day clean. One. I'm honestly on the brink of a breakdown, killing myself, or snapping and I can't tell which one. I walk down the hallways in school my music blasting and head down. I still have no friends. It's currently second break and I have math next. I hate it. it still sucks ass in another country. 

"Luna" Brittney-the 'queen bee'-says in her fake nice voice. I hold the gag she has way too much perfume on and it's suffocating me
"Brittney" I say sighing. 
"What did I tell you to address me as?" She asks pissed. Ok I can't do this shit anymore 
"Kiss my fucking ass" I say pissed looking up and glaring at her. She seems a tad bit shocked. 
"You little bitch" She seethes grabbing my hair. I take a deep breath 
"Hands off now or I will kick your spoilt snotty rude ignorant ass" I say pissed. 
"As if bitch" she shoves me into a locker. "You won't do shit" she says 

"I do what I fucking want" I say and punch her right in her fake fucking nose 
"AHHHHHHHH" she screams I punch her again. She stumbles backwards. I keep punching her till her back is against a locker where I punch her to the point she falls unconscious. 
"Whoops" I say then walk away like nothing happened. Everyone stares at me "What?" I snap still pissed lets say they go back to what they were doing 
"LUNA PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW" A teacher screams at me. I sigh and groan. I'm dead. 

I go to the principal's office and sit in the reception 
"Luna" the principal calls I walk into his office and sit down opposite of him "What happened?" He asks pissed "Because as far as I know you made a girl unconscious" he seethes 
"She has been bullying me for weeks" I say 
"Bull shit she is a good student" he says. 
"Well, she isn't she is a stuck up bitch and I had enough the teachers weren't doing shit so I did myself" I say 
"Watch your attitude young lady" He warns. 
"my bad" I say annoyed
"I'm calling your brother" He says. Fuck. I'm screwed. I stay silent "Hello Mr King" he says "No everything is not fine I have your sister here she knocked a girl unconscious" he says disappointment lacing his tone "Ok thank you see you soon" He says then hangs up. I'm fucked I'm dead meat "he will be here in five minutes" the principal says. I have five minutes before my death oh I'm fucked. I should just run. Five minutes later Alessandro walks in pissed. Great I'm screwed 

"start talking" he says pissed
"Luna punched a girl to the point she fell unconscious and when asked why she said the teachers weren't doing shit against her supposed bullying so she did something herself" The principal says 
"But we are just going to ignore the bullying aren't we? Because she's a 'good student' a fucking saint. Well, let me tell you she isn't a fucking saint she's a fucking bitch and she got put in her place she said I wasn't going to do shit so I fucking did but no all of what she did is overlooked. I might not have the best grades or be a picture perfect student but I don't fight without reason so take that into consideration" I say pissed
"Luna" Alessandro warns I just scowl and sit back in the chair pissed
"She is a good student" the principal says. On the records otherwise she's a fucking bitch.

A few minutes later two angry parents and a very concussed Brittney walks in well Brittney swaying. I hold a laugh. Dam I really did a number on her. She has a busted lip and a black eye and a lot of bruising around her face. Ouch. I just hold my laugh. Guess I snapped. Fuck. 

"Who the fuck punched my daughter?" her father asks pissed 
"That would be me and I must say I'm glad I did because now she can get her nose job fixed" I grin. 
"Luna" the principal and Alessandro warn I just laugh 
"I warned her" I say grinning. Oh this is fun. I'm fucked in the head. Well, I guess I really had enough. I haven't been able to cry in the last few weeks unless it's from my nightmares which result in me passing out from panic attacks. I guess the build up of emotions led to this. What doesn't go out through tears builds up to anger and I snapped badly too. I did tell her to stop bullying me but she didn't listen to me that's her fault. Fuck her. 

Honestly I would have rathered death but hey this will do for now. 
"What exactly did my daughter do to make you punch her?" Her mother seethes 
"Bullied me" I say 
"You knocked her unconscious from a few words?" Her father seethes 
"I'm a pretty chill person it takes a lot to piss me off. I can take words but when it turns physical there is only so much I can take. She literally shoved me against a locker today when I said her name then I told her to kiss my fucking ass because I wasn't calling her what she told me to call her which is Queen. Fuck that she can kiss ass so when she grabbed me by my hair and shoved me into a locker I had enough I told her to let me go she didn't listen and she faced the consequences so her fault not mine" I say pissed. 
"My daughter would never" her mother grits at me. 
"What is it with people and saying she a fucking saint? She is a spoilt fucking bitch who has her head so far up her fucking ass that she thinks she's on top news flash bitch you aren't. You aren't the queen of anything your a fucking bitch who needs to stop being a rude ignorant ass hole" I seethe. 
"Luna enough" Alessandro seethes 
"Fuck this" I say grab my bag and walk out of the principal's office. I walk down the hall to see my other brothers standing there talking 

"What the fuck did you do?" Dante glares at me. Breathe and don't punch him. I just walk out of school 
"LUNA WHAT THE FUCK?" Carlo screams following me "WE KNOW YOUR A SPOILT FUCKING BRAT BUT THAT WAS TOO FAR" he screams at me 
"If I was you I would watch yourself you are in enough trouble" Alessandro warns walking out. "Suspended for a week" he says disappointed 
"Boo fucking hoo" I say pissed. 
"your lucky you weren't expelled" he shakes his head disappointed 
"Don't care" I snap. I mean it's not like I'm going to live much longer 
"Drop the fucking attitude" He warns pissed 
"Or what you'll ground me? It's not like I go out anyways" I shrug. I don't care. 
"Phone now" He demands. I shrug and hand it to him "Get in the fucking car" He demands getting in the car. Fuck that. 

"Luna get in the fucking car" Antonio glares at me 
"Or what?" I challenge 
"four weeks" Alessandro says. Wow grounded for four weeks. I roll my eyes
"I'm going out fuck you all" I say and run off. I run and run ignoring the burning pain in my ribs. They still aren't healed. I just run and run not stopping until I've ran for an hour. I end up at a bridge. I stand on the edge staring down at the bottom. I could just jump and end it all. So I do. I feel the air flow past me as I stare at the sky before colliding with the ground pain seething through every inch of my body but I don't care knowing it will be over soon. I hear faint chaos around me before I close my eyes for the last time and smile. Finally the pain is over. 


Well. This was an interesting chapter. We are jumping off bridges. Shit. Hope you enjoyed 


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