Chapter 3

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"please put your seatbelts on for the landing" the speakers say. I put my seatbelt on and soon we are back on the ground. I smile as we get out of the plane. I can't believe I'm in Italy. ITALY. I never thought I would get to be here. Or anywhere really. We get into another Range Rover Sport Dynamic SE and start driving. 

I can't help but go through what I already know about my brothers-their age and names. I'm so nervous. What if I fuck up? What if I stutter? What if they don't like me? What if they hate me? What if they think I'm ugly? What if they think I'm fat? What if they? My thinking gets cut off as we pull up to a giant mansion. Holy cow. It's so pretty. 


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Before I have time to process we are stopped in front of the house. Oh sheep. I did not prepare for this. My mind starts going into overdrive as I silently panic and debate running away. 
"Miss?" Tom asks 
"Relax they don't bite" Jerry says smiling at me 
"Do they stab then?" I ask they chuckle and shake their heads 
"No they don't stab" Tom muses 
"Shoot? Run people over with cars?" I ask they laugh.
"no they don't" Jerry says smiling softly 
"I'm trusting you two if you lie to me I'll beat you in monopoly" I say 
"Yes mam" they say chuckling 
"Well, it was lovely to meet you two thanks for bringing me here and I'm sure we will see each other at some other point" I smile at them 
"it was lovely to meet you too Luna" they smile at me. I take a deep breathe get my bag and get out of the car. They drive off and I wave to them smiling. I walk up the stairs and see 4 guards at the front door

"hi" I smile at them regardless of how scary they look. Never judge a book by it's cover.
"Miss Luna?" One asks 
"Just Luna please" I smile. They just nod and open the doors. Woah. Dam ok it's pretty in here. I walk inside pushing down my nerves and walk inside. A few seconds later eight boys appear in front of me. Why are they so tall? That is not fair. They are really pretty though all of them look like me in some way but not at the same time or do I look like them in some way because I'm the youngest. I don't know. 
"why is she dressed like she's going to a funeral?" One asks. Oh ummm ok great thanks I guess. 

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