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Near The City Streets...

Everis slung over a deep pit and reached a walk way. He was on a resistance mission to save civilians who were in an apartment under attack by badniks.

Max: (from coms) I need a statues update on the people who couldn't evacuate on time!

Kagami: (from coms) Kagami here! We're engaging enemy forces and we can't search for civilians right now!

Parisian 1: (from coms) Fighting is to fierce for us to help out as well!

Nino: (from coms) It sounds like you're our only hope Everis! The rescue is in your hands!

Everis: Copy that! I'll get the civvies out of here!

???: And you also have help!

Everis turned to see Prizmaltorch(Quantic) and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) landing on the ground and destroying an ostrich robot and a motobug.

Nino: (from coms) Prizmaltorch, you take the lead! And Everis, just make sure you take good notes!

Everis: Sure thing commander!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): I'll go and see if I can find any civvies around.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then dashed off to find any civilians around. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) and Everis then ran off through the city. Everis then used his wispon's ivory lightning attack to clear out the badniks. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then ran off and saw a Strikeback sentinel rampaging through the city with resistance troopers fighting it.

Mylene: (from coms) Those are Strikeback sentimonsters. And they're being mast produced now?

Kim: (from coms) Oh no, this ain't good. Might be too much for Everis to handle.

Ladybug: (from coms) Still, we can't just ignore them.

Cat Noir: (from coms) Of course we can't!

Everis and Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then landed on another road and boosted through the ostrich robots. Everis then used his grapple wire and slung over another bottomless pit as Prizmaltorch(Quantic) landed in the middle of an egg pawn group. Everis then used his red burst attack and yellow drill attack to detroey them all. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then used his red burst form to launch himself up above the robots as Everis used his hover ability to hover up and then landed on another run way were some civilians were found.

Everis: (to the civilians) Head to the sewers, you'll be safe there!

The civilians got up and ran. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then boosted towards the apartment and destroyed the badniks before Prizmaltorch(Chibi) landed in and destroyed more as Everis used his blue cube attack and destroyed all the badniks.

Nino: (from coms) Update form HQ! The enemy's on the run!

Kagami: (from coms) Mission complete! Well done everyone!

The Prizmaltorchs and Everis then did a three-way fist bump.

Prizmaltorchs and Everis: Pound it!

And magic ladybugs flew everywhere as a sign that Ladybug had restored the damage.

The Next Day...

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now