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(Author's Note): This Chapter is gonna have some changes to the original episode and will also have a reference to Sonic Forces. Just know that Mr. Damocles won't be akumatized into Darker Owl.

In Montmartre Hill...

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) was running through Montmartre Hill with a smile on his face, it had been a few days since the Resistance got new members. The blond hero then got a call from Nino and answered.

Nino: (from phone) Quantic Prizmaltorch, Monarch's badnik army's scourging through the city square! We need you here now! 

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Hold on Nino! I'm on my way!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then boosted through the valley as he ran through egg pawns and then homing attacked all the buzz bombers and motobugs. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then stopped on an Ostrich robot and kept boosting through the part of Montmartre Hill until Lost Valley reached 1:10.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): So this is it for Montmartre Hill, so the city square should be close. Let's get ready for some action!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) kept boosting through the badniks to the very point he got through the exit of Montmartre Hill.

At The City Square...

A group of civillains and Nino, Alya, Chloe, Zoe and Kagami were being surrounded by Monarch and a bunch of Egg Pawns only for Prizmaltorch(Quantic) to appear in the nick of time to destroy the Badniks as they had just raised their arms up to fire, causing the civilians to cheer on the blond hero(quantic).

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Is everyone okay?

Alya: We are, thanks to you.

Nino: Cutting it kind of close, though, dude. 

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then turned around to face Monarch.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Okay, let's finish this, Monarch!

Monarch: It will be your finish, Quantic Prizmaltorch. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then shrugged and was about to attack Monarch with his homing attack, only for it to be blocked by a mysterious figure. Prizmaltorch(Quantic) managed to land on his feet, while Nino, Alya, Chloe, Zoe and Kagami ushered the civilians down a nearby alleyway to escape to safety, and recognized the figure of what appeared to be Timebreaker, who, for some reason, had different eyes.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Alix?! But you stayed in the burrow!

Anansi then landed on the ground after her.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Anansi?!

Then Metal Prizmaltorch landed third.

Then Metal Prizmaltorch landed third

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