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Karsin(Quantic), Everis(in his civilian cloths), Chloe, Zoe, the Musicons and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) were hanging out at the arcade. Playing sword games, kareoke games and racing games, they were collecting a lot of tickets at that very moment.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Seriously, we're doing great at these games. How much more tickets do we need?

Scyler: Like, a thousand.

Everis: Wow, that much?!

Karsin(Quantic): I guess.

Chloe: Well, let's get grinding!

Zoe: Up next, that basketball arcade game!

Ortax: Alright!

(Skip to 0:08)

The nine friends then walked over to the basketball arcade game and started playing. Ethan did the starting throw with three balls.

Ethan: Athera, go low!

Athera then ran and threw the ball in the air and slammed it into a basket as Scyler and Everis threw four into another basket as Karsin(Quantic) and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then threw five balls into five baskets. Ortax then threw ten balls into another basket one-by-one and got a winning strike, and Zoe and Chloe threw eleven balls into a basket and the two shared a high five.

(Pause Music Here)

Tickets were rolling out of the basketball ticket slot machine and they cheered at this.

Athera: This should be more than enough tickets.

Zoe: We can get two of those prizes.

Chloe: I know! That's sick!

Karsin(Quantic): Less talking, more prize grabbing.

Ethan then took the tickets out of the slot machine and got their prizes. Karsin(Quantic) then remembered something and groaned in annoyance.

Ortax: What's wrong Quanitc Karsin?

Karsin(Quantic): We've gotta help with that plan Marc and Nate made to get Marinette and Adrien together.

Scyler: If it help them, then I'm glad to help a friend.

Athera: Uh, shouldn't we let them get together on their own, like Quantic Karsin and Scyler did?

Ethan: Or, Me and Aurore?

(Author's Note): If you haven't read Season 4, then just know that Ethan and Aurore have been dating since then.

Zoe: We should just-

Zoe was then cut off when they got a call from Marc and Nathanile, Karsin(Quantic) then answered.

Karsin(Quantic): Hello?

Marc: (from phone) The plan's cancelled, Marinette's in distrass.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): I told you not to intervain! We should let them do it on their own!

Everis: Chibi Prizmaltorch is actually right on that front.

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now