Transmission(The Kwami's Choice Part 1)

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(Author's Note): This is gonna have another musical moment in this season and a reference from Sonic Forces Stage 20 Guardian Rock and Stage 15 Sunset Heights.

Karsin(Quantic) and the Akuma class were at Collège Françoise Dupont and Marinette hasn't come to school all day. Adrien has been trying to call her but she never answered.

Marinette's voicemail: (feebly) Leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeep.

Adrien: She's not picking up.

Chloe: What's going on with her? I hope she's okay.

Zoe: She probably is Chloe.

Karsin(Quantic): She's been like that since she lost feelings for Cat Noir.

Scyler: Wait, she like Cat Noir once?

Athera: I guess so.

Ms. Bustier: Alya, would you mind taking this homework to Marinette, please?

Ethan: Actually, I think Adrien would prefare to do it instead.

Ms. Bustier: Adrien, would you mind taking this homework to Marinette, please?

Adrien: Yes, of course. 

Adrien then took the folder from Ms. Bustier and walked out as Ortax noticed that one of the akuma class students weren't there.

Ortax: Hey, I just realised. Where's Everis?

Sabrina: He's been absent all day.

With Everis...

A death crab landed on the streets of Paris and started running after something, it was soon revealed that it was running after Everis(who was in his soldier suit).  

Everis: I can't let this thing get to The Grand Paris Hotel! I've gotta keep it busy for as long as I can!

The Death Crab then followed him and threw cars at the purple haired boy which he dodged by using the quickstep move that Prizmaltorch(Quantic) taught him(the song is now at 0:19).

Everis: Alright! I've always wanted to do this!

Everis then jumped towards the Death Crab and slung around it to tie up its legs and trip the robot over to the point it couldn't function anymore. Everis kept on running with a proud look on his face as the people cheered for him.

Parisians: The resistance prevails again!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then landed next to Everis and was running with him at the same speed.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): (to Everis) I see you went on a Resistance mission without being sent on it.

Everis: Yes I did. But that reminds me, how's Marinette doing?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Still depressed, but knowing her, she'll get over it. It just needs some time.

Everis: If you say so.

And the two kept on running through the streets of the city without a care in the world and also destroyed even more badniks along the way.

At The Dupin-Cheng Residence...

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