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(Author's Note): Suhan is gonna give the Prizmaltorchs new powers to use in order to fight Monarch. And these new powers are gonna have refrences from Sonic Frontiers and Sonic 3.

The Prizmaltorchs were on the rooftops, throwing trash into a bin.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): You know Quanitc me, there's stuff I've never done before. Like trash throwing games!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): It takes a lot of practice Chibi me. And sometime to ajust to this new sport.

???: Are you boys seriously doing this right now? You should be patroling the city.

The two blond heroes turned to see the celestial guardian himself, Grandmaster Suhan behind them. They both bowed as an apology.

Prizmaltorchs: Forgiveness Grandmaster!

Suhan: Forgiveness, granted. However, I've come to grant you items that will give you both new powers.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Of course Grandmaster! We need any power we can get in order to take on Monarch.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Whatever this power is, we'll take it!

Suhan then gave the two boys rings which made them both confused.

Suhan: These rings with give you new powers. For you Quantic Prizmaltorch, you'll have advanced combat skills, invisibility and you can spawn multiple swords. For you Chibi Prizmaltorch, you'll have invisibility and elemental shields like fire, water and lightning.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Nice!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): We'll use these powers very well!

Suhan: I know you will.

The two Prizmaltorchs nodded their heads in response.

The Next Day... At College Francois Dupont...

The Akuma Class and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) were in the classroom watching the news brodcast of the Tsurugi Space Jet test.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): This is gonna be sick! I'm looking forward to seeing this one!

Lila: Um, excuse me, but why are we letting the freak in here?!

Scyler: Because Karsin invited him in here!

Karsin(Quantic): Exactly!

Ortax: And he is the mayor's son.

Athera: So, anything the mayor and his kids say, goes.

Zoe: Isn't that right Lila?

Amantis: Oh shut up!

Chloe: You're just jealous that me, Zoe and Karsin have privilages that you don't.

Kagami: Everyone, quiet! It's starting.

Nadja Chamack: She's incredible! Claudie Kanté, at the commands of Tsurugi Industries' most sophisticated Space Jet, and with minutes to go before test launch, still makes time to answer questions from her son's classmates!

Claudie: In space, the jet will be flying at well over six thousand miles per hour! Any more questions?

Ethan then raised his hand.

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now