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It's been a few days since the Prizmaltorchs revealed their identities to Felix and they became good friends with him. The Prizmaltorchs would go over to London to visit Felix and Amelie every now and then. And speaking of the two speedsters, they were doing something with Argos that went against the hero code. They were gonna grab Kagami from her car.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Hey, Argos? Are you sure about this?

Argos: Do you want Kagami to continue to endure the words that her mother says to her all the time?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): No. We don't.

Argos: Then you both know what we must do.

(Pause Music Here)

(Skip to 0:07)

The Prizmaltorchs then summoned their swords and cut open the roof which gave Argos a chance to grab Kagami and leap away as the Prizmaltorchs both summoned their clouds and flew after him.

(Pause Music Here)

At The Eiffel Tower...

The three jumped into Gustave Eiffel's office while Argos was still holding Kagami.

Kagami: Let go of me right now!

Argos then set Kagami down which gave her the chance to grab a nearby chair to hit him with.

Prizmaltorchs: Wait!

Argos then detransformed into Felix as the Prizmaltorchs held their hands out as a sign that Kagami should calm down.

Félix: I'm not your enemy. I just want to talk to you.

Kagami, who was still guarded, waited for him to speak.

Kagami: What is it you want to tell me?!

Félix: I... I don't know. But ever since I saw you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've felt that... you and I... were the same.

Kagami looked at Felix surprised.

Félix: We have so much in common, and yet, you're also so different. I've never met someone like you.

Kagami: We don't even know each other!

Félix: I know you. I've been following you non-stop.

Kagami: Even better! You follow me, you stalk me and now you've kidnapped me to get to know me?! You even dragged the Prizmaltorchs into this?!

Félix: (shyly) Uh... yes?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): It's a funny story.

Kagami: You are utterly incompetent at social relations. (Sighs.) You can't take someone away against their will!

Félix: Sorry, I won't do it again, I... just wanted to protect you from your mother. She can't talk to you like that.

Kagami then stared at him in awe and confusion.

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now