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(Author's Note): Sabrina won't get akumatized in this one, Amantis Mortinax will be akumatized and this will have a refrence to FNF VS Imposter V4 Week 4: Magmatic Monstrosity.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) was using his new advanced combat skills on a sand bag and then summoned multiple swords to finish it off.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): And that's a world record! I've gotta do better on this one!

???: Let me try!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) came jumping out of the water with a water sheild surrounding him and used his invisibility power to take on the sentinals there. Everis then landed in the scene just after Prizmaltorch(Chibi) had done the same.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): If Monarch's stepping up his game, then so should we! I hope that Zoe gets to confess her feelings for Marinette.

Everis: She probably will. We only have two weeks left before the end of the school week.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): And that's the remaining time I have left here before we hopfully beat Monarch I return to my world.

Everis: I agree. If Amantis and Lila are supplying Monarch with all the negative emotions he needs, then there's gonna be trouble.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): You're right buddy! Trouble indeed.

With Chloe and Zoe...

Chloe was having a pep talk with Zoe about the end of year dance.

Chloe: Don't worry about it. I know you've got the hots for Mari, I've been there before I got with Sabrina.

Zoe: Thanks Chloe. I hop I succeed on this one.

Chloe: Of course you will. You made a better bee miraculous holder than I ever was, or will bee.

The two sisters laughed at Chloe's pun.

Zoe: And I've also gotta thank you and Karsin for teaching me some tricks that I picked up. Like telling me about Amantis and Lila before they could corrupt me or even pull me into a gangbang.

Chloe: I won't let those two pervs do that to my sister! Not even once!

Chloe then hugged Zoe and Zoe melted into said hug.

In The Mortinax Mansion...

(Author's Note): This is where Amantis Mortinax lives just so you know.

Amantis Mortinax and his girlfriend Lila Rossi were at the relaxing loundge of the Mansion.

Amantis: You know Lila, so far, everything is doing great. We've got all the money, fame and power that we dessiere. And we even have the mayor to back us up on our plans.

Lila: You know it bae.~ It's a good thing that even the Musicons can't do anything about this.

Amantis: You mean the Music Freaks?

Lila: Of course.

Lila then got a call from Gabriel and answered it.

Lila: Hello?

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