Re-creation(The Final Day Part 2)

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(Author's Note): Welcome to Part 2 of the Agreste Arc finale! This will have a refrence to Sonic Forces Stage 30 VS Death Egg Robot and will be very different to the original episode.

The face-off between Monarch, the Prizmaltorchs(in their hyperforms), Bug Noire and Everis(in his soldier suit) continued from where they left off in "Conformation".

Monarch: I should've known! (smirks)

Monarch brought out his cane as the four heroes brought out their weapons at that very moment.

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): I don't know what's about to happen, but today is your last day Monarch!

(Author's Note): I've always wanted to use that line for Prizmaltorch(Quantic) since the begining of this fanfic series.

Bug Noire: Quantic Prizmaltorch is right. Whatever happens, it's the end this time!!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Today, we end this!

Everis: Now put 'em up Loser Moth!

Monarch and Team Miracle(minus Cat Noir) charged at each other and Everis turned his wispon into blue cube mode and the heroes were clashing weapons with Monarch.

Monarch: To think of the number of time I nearly defeated you!

Everis: Just "nearly" though!

Monarch: Only because of your outrageous luck!!

Everis then used his wispon and spun Monarch's cane to the ground as the Prizmaltorchs kicked Monarch in the face.

Bug Noire: Speaking of which... 

Bug Noir then summoned her lucky charm and and got a grand piano which fell on Monarch as Everis then used the green hover attack on his wispon to knock him back.

Bug Noire: Luck is something you make!

Bug Noire then summoned her lucky charm again and got a pair of handcuffs which she then used one side to cuff one of her wrists.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): And victory is something you take!

The four heroes then charged toward Monarch at full speed and Bug Noire then used the handcuffs from her Lucky Charm to cuff Monarch to herself.

Bug Noire: We will take back all of the Miraculous! One by one, if we have to!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then attempted to take one of the rings but Monarch summoned shell-ter and stopped him. Monarch then summoned venom to use on Prizmaltorch(Chibi) but his quantic counter part summoned his sword and blocked him which gave Bug Noire a chance to cataclysm the shell-ter shield which was guarding Monarch's hand but Monarch then summoned shell-ter again.

Monarch: Who's the fool here: he, who has fifteen Miraculous, or they, who recklessly jumped into the Monarch's den, making a mistake of bringing the three pieces that he covets?!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): You know Monarch, maybe you'd have a lot more friends if you didn't talk about yourself in the third person!

Bug Noire: You're the fool who's going to lose like always! I'm getting back everything you stole from me AND freeing the Kwamis! 

Bug Noire then summoned another cataclysm and destroyed the shield but Monarch then created another one.

Monarch: Not this time! The only thing you will free is the world — from your existences!!

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