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Karsin(Quantic), Scyler, Ethan, Athera, Ortax, Chloe, Zoe, Everis, and Prizmaltorch(Chib) were at Phillipe's Ice Rink. The group of friends were skating through the rink, having fun.

Karsin(Quantic): I bet you guys can't do this!

Karsin(Quantic) then did a skating trick and the rest of his friends were impressed by it.

Chloe: I can do one better!

Chloe then did another trick that followed after Karsin's trick and Scyler, Ethan, Athera, Ortax, Prizmaltorch(Chibi), Zoe, and Everis all together.

Zoe: You know, I'm really thrilled that we can hang out together. It has been a while since the last time.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): I agree. Especially with all the attacks that have been sent out by Monarch.

(Pause Music Here)

A montage of attacks was being played on the screen and the Prizmaltorchs and Everis were fighting most of the badniks while Chloe, Zoe, and the Musicons were fighting the rest of them along with the Resistance.

(Pause Music at 11:32 because that's when the montage ends)

The montage ended with everyone being back in the present. Scyler was scratching some small specks of ice from her hair.

Scyler: How did ice specks get into my hair?

Athera: I get the feeling that somehow, the absolute solver's back.

Ortax: That's not possible. We destroyed the absolute solver's power source.

Ethan: I know. And if there's another power source somewhere, then we'll just destroy that one too!

As Ethan said this, he did a punching sign with his fists.

At The Liberty...

Karsin(Quantic), Zoe, Chloe, Everis, Prizmaltorch(Chibi), and the Musicons all arrived on the houseboat to see everyone setting up for a concert.

Luka: It's beautiful. We should play it with the band!

Alya: Adrien! You wrote a song for Marinette!?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Dude, that's nice.

Everis: I agree.

Athera: We'll help you guys set up for the concert.

Karsin(Quantic): We've got you covered my friend.

Ortax: Hey Kim, I'll help you find a dolphin.

Ethan: I'll help find some lanterns.

Ethan, Athera, Ortax then ran off to help out with setting up and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) and Karsin(Quantic) ran off in seprate directions.

Chloe: Hey, Nino. Zoe and I will be the backup singers along with Scyler, Karsin and Everis.

???: Oh? Is Marinette coming tonight? Good. I was worried about her. She's not answering her phone.

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now