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Karsin(Quantic), Everis(in his civilian cloths), Chloe, Zoe and the Musicons all had their applications ready to be submited. Suozzo(Quantic) peeked out of Karsin(Quantic)'s pocket looking confused about why they were hesitating.

Suozzo(Quantic): Guys, what's the hold up? What happens at a teacher rep meeting that's so worrisome?

Scyler: This meeting is where our futures are being decided, Quantic Suozzo. The teachers need to review our school performances and decide whether or not we'll be able to pursue the studies we've chosen.

Ethan: If it goes bad, we could either get sent to the schools which are different from what we have in mind or, have to repeat the year.

Chloe: I hope it doesn't happen to us.

Zoe then held her half sister's hand as a motion to give her hope.

Zoe: It won't Chloe. Ever since you were reformed by Team Miracle, you've been doing better.

Karsin(Quantic): Zoe's right. I'm sure you can do this Chloe.

Chloe smiled at what her siblings said as Athera, Ortax and Everis submited their forms.

Athera: Quantic Karsin, did you actually want to become an actor?

Karsin(Quantic): No, after I left you guys at the end of Middle School, I gave up on singing and chose to pursue acting in order to make my dad proud. But now that you guys are back in my life, I wanna stop pretending and be who I really am on the inside.

Ortax: Don't worry buddy, we've got you covered. We'll even be performing on the night of the end of year dance. You and Scyler will be singing anothe duet.

Everis: You guys named the song, "Addict" right?

Musicons: Yep.

Zoe: You guys are mostly creative with your songs are you? Because if you weren't, you'd be singing, I don't know.

Chloe: Zoe, let's not go there right now.

Zoe: Okay then.

The eight friends then walked off after dropping off their applications.


Prizmaltorch(Chibi) was with Adrien as he was still filling out his application.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): So Adrien, you know that I wanna spend the remaining time I have here before I return to my world to not only help you and Quantic Team Miracle beat Monarch, but also to help you guys out with your applications. So, why are you hesitating buddy?

Adrien: I'm... still not sure what I want to do yet.

Plagg: Make your choice now, you're in control of your future so you get to choose what you wanna do.

Adrien: I'll make my choice, and whatever I choose, I'll do it with Marinette.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) and Plagg: We know you will.

A Few Days Later...

Everyone was furious about the results of the teacher rep meeting.

Alya: (furious) Optician?! That's not what I want to be at all!!

Kim: Phy-si-o-therapist??

Max: Swimming instructor??? But I can't even swim!

Kim: You sure you didn't get mine by mistake?

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