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(Author's Note): There are gonna be two musical moments in this chapter. And these songs are gonna be from stage musicals that you might be familiar with.

Adrien and Marinette walked inside the school grounds together, hand-in-hand, and were greeted by students gossiping about the new Alliance avatar update.

Student 1: There they are!

Student 2: So cool!

Student 3: These two are so cute!

Student 4: They look so great together!

Student 5: Wow!

Student 2: Did you see that? You can put them in matching outfits!

Student 6: I ship them so much, I gotta write a fanfic about them!

Adrien and Marinette sat by the stairs.

Marinette: Did you know about that update?

Adrien: No...

Settling down, the two of them were greeted by their classmates, the Musicons and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) who were also shocked about the news.

Chloe: Adrien, what's your problem? I thought you broke up with Kagami.

Adrien: (confused) I did.

Sabrina: Well, this says otherwise.

Sabrina then showed Adrien the new update for the alliance ring before Rose spoke up.

Rose: Adrien, doesn't your father know that you and Kagami broke up? And that now, you're about to live the most romantic love story ever with Marinette?

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Yeah, what's going on?

Adrien: Yeah. He knows.

Everis: But then... what he's doing, presenting these avatars as a couple, is a lie?

Marinette: His father can always try to force his truth on us, but we know ours. And so does Kagami.

Karsin(Quantic): And that's the Marinette that I know!

Musicons: Exactly!

Adrien and Marinette then looked at each other for a brief moment, stood up and walked up the stairs together, hand-in-hand. Amantis Mortinax and Lila were shown to be eavesdropping in their conversation behind a door.

In Miss Bustier's Classroom...

Lila and Amantis Mortinax walked into the class late as Miss Bustier was checking the exam papers.

Miss Bustier: Just in time Lila and Amantis. I was just checking your work and, they both have Sabrina's name.

Chloe: What?! Sabrina, have you been cheating on me to hang out with them and also have a gangbang with them?!

Sabrina: No way, I would never! And besides, they blackmailed me into doing their work!

Ethan: They what?!

Lila: And where's your proof Sabrina?!

Scyler: Where's your proof that you two didn't blackmail her?!

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