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(Author's Note): There's gonna be a musical moment in this chapter, and it's gonna be good, I promise.

Karsin(Quantic) was with Prizmaltorch(Chibi) playing Zip the Electric Hedgehog.

(Author's Note): Before you ask, Zip the Electric Hedgehog was a combo of Sonic the Hedgehog and Spark the Electric Jester I made up.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): So, Quantic me, what are your plans for tonight?

Karsin(Quantic): I actually had plans to go out with Scyler on a date, but I have to attend the diamond's dance since the rest of my family is going. 

Suozzo(Quantic) then flew out of Karsin(Quantic)'s bed to ask about the diamond's dance.

Suozzo(Quantic): What's this diamond's dance you speak of Karsin?

Karsin(Quantic): A society ball his father organizes every year for his most powerful friends and their children. And you gotta be on the official guests' list to get in. Kagami will be there, as well as Prince Ali, Chloé, Zoé.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Well, Quantic me, can you bring me as a plus one? If that's possible.

Karsin(Quantic): I can try.

Suozzo(Quantic): And I'll be in your pocket as always. If you ever need to transform, you know what to do my friend!

Karsin(Quantic): Of course!

Chloe: (from outside) Karsin, get your stuff, we've gotta get ready! And you can take Chibi Prizmaltorch with you if you want.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): Nice!

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then dashed out of the room and Karsin(Quantic) got his diamond's dance mask ready then ran out as Suozzo(Quantic) flew into his pocket.

In the Limo...

Karsin(Quantic), Chloe, Mayor Bourgeois, Audrey, and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) were in the limo on the way to the diamond dance.

Audrey: Karsin, what did you want to bring him with us?

Karsin(Quantic): He's my friend. And I don't wanna leave him at the hotel all by himself.

Mayor Bourgeois: If Karsin wants to bring Chibi Prizmaltorch, then he can. All he needs to do is just ask us whenever he likes.

Chloe then sighed sadly.

Chloe: I'm just sad that Zoe won't be joining us. I was hoping that she would come along.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) then put his hand on Chloe's shoulder.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): At least you have us. You're not alone in this.

Chloe then smiled as the limo continued to drive off.

At the Grand Palais...

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) and the Bourgeois Family(minus Zoe) all entered and met up with Gabriel.

Gabriel: Good evening Bourgeois family.

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