Special Chapter: Operation Big Wave

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(Author's Note): This entire chapter is gonna be referencing Sonic Forces and Sonic Forces Overclocked. The things it will reference will be, Stage 2 Spaceport, Stage 21 Network Terminal, Stage 4 Prison Hall, Stage 6 Egg Gate and Stage 22 Death Prison.

At The Chemical Plant in Italy...

Everis was in his soldier suit running though the loops of the Chemical Plant and then slung over a sea of chemicals before Kagami spoke through the coms.

Kagami: (from coms) Kagami here! My team's engaging the enemy at the orbital tunnel. I think we can hold for now. No wait! Watch out, Hoaxer's here!

Kim: (from coms) Stay focus Everis! We're off to secure the launch base while Quantic Prizmaltorch is heading to the computer room!

Everis: Copy that! Commencing mission now!

Everis then used his indigo asteroid ability on his wispon to create a circle of blocks around him to destroy the badniks and then he used his grapple wire to sling up. Everis used his red burst attack on his wispon to destroy the badniks in his path.

Everis: I'm gonna need to kick up my speed a bit!

Everis then used the yellow drill attack on his wispon to launch himself over a sea of chemicals. Everis was then grinding on rails before slinging off to another side of the chemical sea(we're now at 1:01).

Mylene: (from coms) Let's head in while Kagami keeps them busy!

Nino: (from coms) We need a shuttle to get to Monarch's space station!

Everis then kicked up the pace and destroyed the badniks that were in his way using the yellow drill ability on his wispon. The purple haired boy soon got to a rail section before Kim gave a message through the coms.

Kim: (from coms) Perfect! They won't mind if we borrow this for a while!

Ladybug: (from coms) Hurry it up Everis! Get out of there as fast as you can!

Everis: Roger that!

Everis then slung again and reached the shuttle before they got an incoming call from Prizmaltorch(Quantic).

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): (from coms) I'm almost at the Chemical Plant! How's it going on your end?

Cat Noir: We just secured the launch base! Now head to the computers and shut down the weapons systems!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): (from coms) Perfect! I've been waiting for my turn to bust some heads!

Rose: Good luck out there Priz!

(Pause Music Here)

With Prizmaltorch(Quantic)...

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) was running through the Chemical Plant, in search of the computer room.

Nino: (from coms) Lutenit Roger and his squad did a great job on the distraction! Time for you to do your thing! We have to find the computer room! Anyone who gets in your way, don't let them stop you!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic): Say no more! They won't know what hit 'em!

Prizmaltorch(Quantic) then started ziplining and then homing attacked a group of egg pawns(we're now at 1:19). He then reached another rail grinding section before another zipline and then started jumping off of walls before reaching a deep hole which was the entrance to the chemical plant and started sky diving.

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