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(Author's Note): This is the episode Action with a new name and I changed the name to "Subjection" because this was the original name for the concept of the Bee Miraculous.

Karsin(Quantic) and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) arrived at the entrance of the Liberty through a portal that Prizmaltorch(Chibi) opened to meet Nino who was waiting for them.

Karsin(Quantic): Everything okay, Nino?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): We came as soon as we got your message.

Nino: The situation is serious, my friends. We're gonna need your help Karsin.

Karsin(Quantic): What can I help with?!

Nino: First, I gotta tell you why we're here.

Nino walked onto the houseboat as Karsin(Quantic) and Prizmaltorch(Chibi) followed them.

Nino: As you know, the Seine is a river, it's current acts as a conveyer belt carrying anything that falls into it out to the ocean.

Nino then showed them a bunch of plastic products such as, fans and containers and anything made of plastic that was dumped in the Seine.

Nino: Including plastic waste.

Prizmaltorch(Chibi): I can't believe there is so much plastic in the Seine.

Chloe and Zoe were both dragging a trash bag full of plastic.

Zoe: Plastic is everywhere!

Chloe: Even in our clothes.

Adrien and Marinette then joined in on the conversation.

Adrien: If no one tackles the plastic problem, who will?

Prizmaltorch(Chibi) and Karsin(Quantic) both looked at each other and shrugged their heads.

Marinette: Exactly. Which is why we've decided to take matters into our own hands.

The Adrienette couple then showed them to what Mylène, Max, and Markov were working on earlier. Mylene pressed a button on the computer which showed the Liberty being used to collect plastic items in the Seine.

Mylène: We've converted the houseboat into an ecological water treatment plant.

Max: Thus allowing us to intercept the numerous plastic items that fall into the Seine and pollute it.

Nino: The problem with plastic is that it does not decompose.

Alya: All the plastic that's been made and reused has ended up in the environment.

Alya then ran off while carrying a toolbox as Everis(in his civilian) cloths joined in on the conversation.

Nino: And it's still there in one form or another.

Everis: That's terrible. 

A noise was heard, causing the houseboat to rumble.

Nino: This morning, the situation suddenly got worse.

In The Engine Room...

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 5: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now