(51). - Trial of Trials, Test of Tests.

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     The students stared up towards me in slight fear -
I could see their stress and nervousness about this fight that we were about to have — which was completely understandable. From their point of view, they have to take on me - a supposed 'Teacher' who has access to some insane power and magic. Oh, and while they don't know this, that same teacher happens to be a monster. Yeah.... If I was in their place, I would be hella nervous right now as well. I would NOT be calm.

| Calculations have been finished Master. I have figured out the exact strength necessary to ensure they fall in 3 hits and take no more damage. |

Perfect. That gives this fight a timer now. Or actually — it puts a 'timer' on each of the students that managed to make it all the way up here, as each of them can only take 3 hits from me before the Protection spell goes off.

While you could argue that it wasn't very fair - I already gave them a slight advantage in the form of that Halberd which they just have to draw and strike me with only once for them to 'win' this test.

The students tensed up, shaking lightly as we all locked gazes for a second. It felt like time had stopped, as we all simply remained in places perfectly still.

Then, all of the 6 of the remaining students quickly scattered — all going in different directions, splitting off of one another. A pretty clever strategy. Splitting up would usually leave a lot of individuals a bit 'confused' on who to target first and what not, however — this was no issue for me at all.

Yes, I could activate my 'Dupe' skill to chase them all at once, but that felt like cheating. No — I had a better card up my sleeve.

I quickly activated 'Limitless Acceleration' - dashing in towards Jilk, who had made a dead sprint towards the halberd. He didn't manage to make it even halfway, as I appeared basically right in front of him out of what to him must have been thin air, before striking him with my Bo-Staff, sending the spearsman flying back.

"It won't be that easy!"

I stated, as suddenly Kurolo leapt in towards me from the right side. I dodged the initial strike, the greatsword wielding Half-Dwarf crashing his blade into the ground before swinging it up towards me again immediately after wards — which I once again dodged quite easily.

Gotta give this to Kurolo — despite wielding a Greatsword which weighed a ton, he was actually quite agile with throwing out his slashes towards me. Now that being said - agile did not mean accurate. He basically missed every single swing he threw towards me.

I continued to dodge Kurolos attacks for a bit, before he suddenly made a sidestep - activating Wind Magic or something suddenly before swinging the Greatsword towards me with such speed that an average adventurer would have most definitely not managed to move out of the way in time. Luckily — thanks to 'Limitless Acceleration', I moved back just in time before his swing connected.

However, I was then almost immediately assaulted by a barrage of spells that were being fired off by Kio and Diamond who stood off in the furthest corners, behind as much cover as possible.

Then, I saw as Fusaji made a dead sprint towards the Halberd, which I was not about to allow to be work out yet. I quickly stepped towards the direction of Fusaji, to try and interrupt me, only for Jilk to suddenly dash in up close to me and forcing me to block his strike.

"Not bad.... Covering for your friend. But not good enough!"

I stated, before breaking his strike by flipping it up into the sky, before then quickly low kicking his feet, sending the elf flying to the ground before dodging a strike from Kurolo and blocking two spells from Kio and Diamond. Then afterwards, I quickly used 'Abyss Magic' to restrain Fusaji in place with chains that formed from the castle itself, literally centimetres away from the halberd.

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