Perfectly Lonely

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It's officially been a year. That's right. 365 days since I've last seen or talked to as a matter of fact to John. A year since I stormed out of that apartment with a broken heart and nothing to live for. He tried calling me of course, but I never answered. I figured it would be best if I cut him off completely from my life. But the worst part of it all? I miss him. It's like he left a mark on my heart that will last forever... and I hate myself for that. Why can't I forget about him? He hurt me. He betrayed me, yet here I am still not over him. I still love him, with everything I have. I haven't been in another relationship because one, I'm still completely and inevitably in love with him and two, I can't trust anyone. I trusted him with my life yet he broke that trust. I don't even know how he's doing.. he's probably moved on, I mean look at him. He could have anyone he wants.

Maybe he was as upset as I was. Maybe he cried himself to sleep at night, maybe he refused to eat and locked himself away from society. Or.. maybe he did the complete opposite of me and said to hell with me and moved on. I guess I'll never know. To be quite honest I'm still in pretty bad shape. I've been to the studio a lot to try and get away from it all but it never really seemed to help and here I am a year later still depressed. I don't leave the house much because what's the point? The world is just filled with disappointment anyway.

"Hey, Katy good news, good news." Angela chirped clapping her hands as she sprinted into the living room plopping down beside me. I rolled my eyes not really in the mood for her unnecessary happiness. Shit, I'm turning into a complete monster.

"What now." I grunted keeping my focus on the tv I was watching but still listening. I leaned my head onto the back of the couch, exhaustion overtaking my body.

"Okay, I know you've been in this.. funk I guess you could say, for a LONG time now." She emphasized the word long making me interrupt with a sarcastic smirk. She paused to give me one of her "I don't appreciate your attitude" looks before continuing. "SO.. I think you need a break, you've been busy and so I'm taking you on a vacation! Just you.. me... and the BAHAMAS."

My head suddenly shot to my right, a smile finally appearing on my face for what seemed like a lifetime as Angela smiled. We simultaneously let out a girlish squeal before I pulled her in for a hug. "Ang, this is so great! Thank you.." I said sincerely pulling away to pout my lips making her laugh.

"No problem, Kate. You deserve a break, somewhere you can relax and.. get John of your mind hm?" She said making my eyes that had found their way to the floor look back up at her again.

"I'm over him, Ang.. really." I said straightforwardly yet unconvincingly. I didn't want to get into this with her. Not again, she's had to listen to me cry over him for God knows how long now.

"Katy. Don't give me that shit." She grinned squeezing my hands in hers. My lips finally formed a small smile before she looked at me sympathetically.

"It'll get better." She whispered kissing my cheek as she stood up to go home. "We leave in like 2 hours by the way so get packing!" She yelled as she made her way out the door before having to listen to me complain about such short notice.

"ugh!" I scoffed flopping back down onto the couch. I'm utterly exhausted. Nothing about this break up as been good for me, I'm glad I'm finally going to get some time off, and with my sister. It's just like.. everywhere I look I think of him and everything I touch reminds me of him. Like this couch for instance, every time I look at it I remember the time we bought it together because he spilled some shit, I don't even remember what now, on it and he insisted on buying me another one.


"since you're buying me this couch I'm picking the most expensive one." I joked sticking my tongue out playfully. I felt him squeeze my hand that was being held in his huge one. His hands were about 3 sizes bigger than mine but it was still the perfect fit.

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