Chapter 1: Welcome To The Family

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~~Raven's POV~~

"Brian!" I screamed as I chased him through the house, trying to get my doll back.

"Brian!" he yelled back, mocking me as he ran through the house laughing and carrying my doll.

"Give me my doll back!" I yelled, getting closer to him.

"No!" he yelled and ran into dad's home studio. I stopped, knowing I wasn't allowed in there.

"Dad! Brians in your studio!" I yelled and ran into the living room, causing dad to get up.

"Brian!" dad yelled as he picked me up and carried me down the hallway. There was no answer.

"Brian Elwin Haner Jr.! Get out here now!" Dad yelled as he walked into the studio, causing my big brother to come out from behind an amp.

"Yes dad?" he asked, holding my doll behind his back.

"Why are you in here alone?" dad asked, calmly.

"Because he was hiding from me! He took my doll!" I said.

"Did not!" Brian yelled, throwing his arms up in the air with my doll in his left hand. Dad just smirked.

"Son, give your sister her doll back."

"Fine," he grumbled, then walked over and handed me my doll. I hugged it and stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same.

"Brian you're 17 and a Jr. in high school, leave your sister's dolls alone," dad said as he walked out of the room and set me down.

"But dad, she's 7. It's fun," he smiled as he messed up my brown hair.

"Hey!" I yelled, pushing his hand away. My brother and I are 10 years apart. Him and his friends pick me on me, but treat me like I'm their little sister.

"Just, leave your sister's things alone," dad chuckled as he walked back into the living room.

"Little snot," Brian smirked, then there was a knock at the door. I looked into my brother's brown eyes as he looked into my blue ones, then we ran for the door. I got there before he did and flung it open, just to be greeted by my favorite of Brian's friends.

"Jimmy!" I yelled and hugged his long legs.

"Hey Mini Gates!" Jimmy yelled as he picked me up and spun around, causing me to laugh. He and the others called me "Mini Gates" because my brother's band name is "Synyster Gates". Jimmy is "The Reverend Tholomew Plague", or "The Rev" for short, Matt is "M. Shadows", Zack is "Zacky Vengeance", and Johnny is "Johnny Christ". They're in a band called Avenged Sevenfold, and I think they're good, but Matt looks scary when he screams into the microphone.

"Why must you call her that?" Brian asked, sounding annoyed.

"Because she is! She's like a mini you, but with blue eyes," Jimmy laughed and put me down.

"When are the others getting here?" Brian asked after shutting the door and leading Jimmy into the kitchen, me following behind at Jimmy's heels.

"Matt and Zack should be here in a few minutes since they're done at the skate park, and Johnny should be there when he hears us start practice," Jimmy explained.

"Sweet," Brian said.

"Hi Jimmy," dad said as he walked though the kitchen and towards the stairs.

"Hey Papa Gates!" Jimmy said excitedly.

"Can I come with you guys?" I asked, causing Brian to groan. They don't practice here, they practice at Matt's house and I've been to every practice.

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