Chapter 16: Confessions and Choices

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~~Matt's POV~~

"You're coming, right?" I asked Val as I packed my suitcase. It's now towards the end of August and we're going up to the cabin in a couple of days. Well, us guys are. We're still trying to convince Raven and the girls to go.

"I don't know. It's been gross outside lately and I don't want River getting into anything like poison ivy," she said.

"Babe, we've brought him up there before and he was fine," I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I know, but he's older now and he likes getting into stuff," she rested her hands on my bare chest as she spoke.

"And if everything goes as planned, there's going to be eleven adults there to watch him," I kissed her cheek.

"I don't think so. There's a car show in Pomona and you know Raven is going to want to go. She needs someone to watch Pandora," she said.

"She can bring her to the cabin with us."


"What? Why can't we have a family vacation?" I asked, pushing out my bottom lip in a pout.

"We live at the beach, we have a family vacation all the time," she rolled her eyes and pulled away.

"True, but still. This is actually out of town," I said, walking back over and zipping up my suitcase.

"Just go try to convince Raven and if she goes, I will," Val said, walking out of the bedroom.

"She's not gonna go," I mumbled to myself as I pulled on a shirt and shoes. I walked down stairs and went into the living room, where River was sitting on the couch watching one of his shows.

"Hi daddy," he said, glancing at me.

"Hey bud. I'll be back okay?" I kissed the top of his head and ruffled up his hair.

"Where are you going?" he looked up at me.

"To go see Aunt Raven. I'll be back soon," I smiled at him.

"Okay," he nodded and went back to watching his show. I walked over to the door and grabbed my keys, walked out, and went to my truck. I called Raven to let her know I was coming over but there was no answer. "Well then." I pulled out of the drive way and started towards her building. It's eight thirty on a Saturday morning, she's usually up and calling one of us to see what the plans are by now.  When I got to her building, I went inside and jogged up the stairs to her floor. I knocked on her door, but I didn't hear anything so I used my key.

"Ray?" I walked on and didn't see her, so I went into her room to see that she was still asleep with Pandora next to her. I went to shake her awake, but then she started thrashing around and mumbling in her sleep. I only had time to make out the word "again" when her eyes snapped open and she started screaming.

"Not again!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Raven! It's okay, I'm here. Matt's here for you," I immediately pulled her into my arms and held her protectively. Her screams quieted down and turned into sobs, so I began whispering to her. "You're okay Raven. Nothing bad is happening and I won't let. I'm here for you. You've got four big brothers to protect you from even the smallest things. You're okay."

"It's so horrible Matt," she sobbed into my shoulder. What is? What was her nightmare about?

"Why don't you take a hot shower, or a bath, and I'll make you something to eat?" I suggested. She nodded and I let her go, then she hesitated for a second and got up. I walked out of her room, closed the door behind Pandora, and went into the kitchen. I gave her food and clean water, then opened the refrigerator. I ended up making her pancakes and eggs with coffee, and by the time I was done, she walked in. Honestly, she looked like shit. She looked like she hadn't slept for days and she just didn't give a shit anymore. "Hungry?"

"A little," she said, taking the plate and cup I held out to her.  I grabbed a cup for myself and followed her to the living room. She sat down on the couch and I sat in the chair, watching her as she picked at the eggs.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said, stabbing the fork into a pancake. "No."

"Want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

"No, but I probably should," she sighed and I nodded. "Wait, now?"

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Uhm, well you remember when Brent was here?" I nodded. "Well he brought up some things, that he shouldn't even have known about, and accused Brian of being a bad brother for letting it happen, even though it was out of his hands. Ever since then, I have nightmares of what happened to me almost every night," she shuddered.

"Raven, why didn't you tell any of us?" I asked, shocked. She usually tells us every thing.

"Because I wanted to handle it myself," she said softly.

"Raven, this is the kind of thing where you should talk to your friends, your family, about so that they can help you. They, we, can give you advice and help you though it." I moved to the couch and hugged her. "Promise you'll tell me or Brian if it happens again?"

"Yeah," she hugged me tightly and I knew she would.

"Now, I came over to ask you a question," I said.

"What's that?" she asked, taking a bite of pancake.

"Are you coming to the cabin with us next weekend?"

"Pomona is next weekend," she sighed and smiled.

"Please?" I begged, pushing out my bottom lip.

"Sorry Matt. You know I've been waiting for this show for months. Now put that lip away before I rip it off," she said, making me laugh.

"Ugh, fine. Guess it's just us guys then," I leaned back into the couch and Pandora jumped up, demanding to be loved.

"Would you like to take Pandora?" she asked.

"Can I?" I smiled wide, hugging the big dog.

"Go ahead," Raven laughed.

"Sweet," I kissed Pandora's head and then Raven's cheek. "Come back with me."

"To your house?"

"Yeah. Surprise River."

"Alright then," she got up and went into her room.


Just a filler! Sorry for taking so long guys

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