Chapter 21: Tour Meetings

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~~Raven's POV~~

"Iz, I have to leave a little early today. Can you handle the store from around three thirty to closing?" I asked, walking out of the back room.

"Yeah sure. But what's so important that you are leaving early?" she raised a blue eyebrow at me.

"Tour meeting with the guys. I gotta go since I'm on this one with them," I replied, sitting down at the front counter.

"Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. When is it again?"

"About a month and a half."

"And aren't you taking next week off so you can finally get tattooed?" she smirked.

"Yes, now do you want me to hire another person or not?"

"Of course I do! We're the only ones here now."

"Then back off a little," I laughed as I pulled out a stack of applications that have been turned in over the past few days. So far, there has been about fifteen turned in and a few I'm actually thinking about setting up interviews so for.

"You ready to close up for lunch?" Izzy asked, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah," I replied after scanning the empty store.

~~Two Hours Later~~

"Shit, shit, shit," I mumbled as I ran up the stairs to Larry's office. I left the store a little later than planned, and I'm about fifteen minutes late to the meeting. I ran down the hall and opened the door to the office.

"You're late Raven," Stephanie, Larry's receptionist, looked up from her computer.

"I know," I ran over and opened the door to the meeting room. I was immediately met with glares from everyone. Larry, the guys, the crew members.

"Raven Elizabeth Haner, you are fifteen minutes late," Brian said sternly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was going through applications and I lost track of time. It won't happen again. I promise," I said, raising my hands up in defense.

"All that matters is that you're here now and we can start the meeting," Matt Berry said, and Larry nodded in response. I sat down in the last empty spot between Dan and Jamie, and they both poked my sides as soon as Larry started talking. I slapped their legs, close enough to their no no squares to scare them, and looked over to the manager.

"So, we're gonna start with a home show then go to Vegas," Larry began. "Then we'll continue on throughout these cities." He handed Johnny and Zack stacks of posters, which were passed down to everyone else.

"So we're touring with Bullet For My Valentine and Three Days Grace again?" I asked, looking over to Larry after reading the city and venue list.

"Yes," he smiled.

"Good dudes," Jason laughed.

"Crazy dudes," I mumbled.

"Well looks like Ray is gonna have fun," Zack smirked at me from the end of the table.

"No, it looks like Ray is gonna have her hands full," I rolled my eyes, earning laughs from the guys.

"We're going across the states again," Jason smiled.

"You do you like going back east so much?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

"The architecture is badass," he replied in a "duh" tone.

"True," Arin nodded.

"Hey Ray, isn't your friend touring at the same time as us?" Brian asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, thinking about what Max told me at the car show. "She's playing with SIXX: A.M."

"I will check their tour schedule so that Raven can have some girly time with her new friend," Larry said, looking back down at his papers.

"That's not needed," I said.

"I'll check it dude. It's cool," Brian smiled.

"Alright then," Larry nodded, shuffled a few papers, and cleared his throat. "Now, since we're going to have the Haner siblings on this tour I expect everyone," he looked at Brian and I, "to be on their best behavior. We don't want a repeat of what happened to Jason last time."

"Will do," Brian smirked and saluted his manager.

"I'm not sixteen anymore. I'm a mature adult who knows how to act," I said, sitting up taller in my seat, folding my hands together, and turning my nose up slightly. The room roared with laughter, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I mean, you know how to act when it's the right time, but you are not mature. Especially around us," Johnny chuckled.

"Oh whatever, bowl cut," I smirked.

"Hey, we agreed to never speak of that!" he stood up, pointing at me as he chuckled.

"Calm down, calm down," Larry said, chuckling. "Now Raven, are you okay with handling merchandise again?"

"Actually, I'd rather not. I love talking to the fans, but I never got to see a show last time I toured with you guys. I'd like to actually be able to watch my brothers play and have fun, rather than just hearing about it on the bus."

"That is understandable my dear," he smiled. "We'll contact someone about the merch handling. So there's nothing to worry about there."

The next two hours of my day was spent in a stuffy meeting room, talking about the venues, security, and set lists for the tour. Then, after the meeting was over, the guys and I met up with the girls and went out to dinner.


I'm so sorry this took so long to get out guys!! And I know it's short, but I promise that the next chapter will be longer. But, for now, I hope you liked this little filler. :)

~KloeLee666 xoxoxo

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