Chapter 23: Day One of Crazy

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~~Raven's POV~~

"Come on," I urged Pandora into my truck, half asleep as it was five thirty in the morning. Today we start tour, and even though it's a home show, the guys like to start tour life the tour starts and that means early morning bus arrival and drive to the venue.

"Pandora please dude," I groaned, pushing the pit bull up, or at least trying to. No matter what I tried, she didn't budge. I already had my shit in the bed of the truck, my coffee in the cup holder, and keys in the ignition. I just needed her in the damn truck so I can go Matt's.

"Need some help?" A deep voice asked behind me.

"Please, I should've been gone five minutes ago." I turned to lock eyes with John. A sweaty, shirtless John. "Just finish a run?"

"Yeah. What's the problem?" he smiled.

"She won't get in the truck, and she's too heavy for me to pick up," I explained, glaring at the dog who was just looking forward. The only thing in the truck was her head and front feet. She stopped moving after getting that far.

"I got it," he stepped up behind her and pet the top of her head. She licked him and then he lifted her up into the truck, resting her on the passenger seat. "There ya go."

"Thank you, John. Now I can leave hopefully before the guys have my ass," I shut the passenger door and walked over to mine.

"You're welcome," he chuckled. "See you in a couple months?"

"See you in a couple months," I smiled and got in the truck, then quickly made my way to Matt and Val's place. I pulled onto their street and the tour bus was parked in front, everyone, band and crew, were packing in. I pulled into the drive way and got out, grabbing Pandora's leash and pulling her with me.

"Finally, Raven. What took you so long?" Jason asked, walking over and grabbing my bags out of the bed.

"This little shit wouldn't get In the damn truck," I glared at the dog who was sitting on my foot.

"Jesus," he sighed. "What bunk?"

"Far back middle, right side." If you're in that area, you get to see the most amazing views while on the road. "I like my views."

"Danny boy isn't gonna like that. That's his bunk," he chuckled.

"Well he's gonna have to suck it up," I laughed, heading inside the house while he went to the bus.

"Coffee," Michelle handed me a cup as she walked by.

"Thanks," I took a drink as I weaved my way through people and into the living room.

"Auntie Raven!" River screamed as he attached himself to my leg, almost making me spill my coffee.

"Hey Riv," I smiled, patting his head with my leash hand. "Let me put Pandora outside so I can pick you up, okay?"

"Okay," he let go and followed me to the back door. I opened it and took her leash off, letting her run out to play with Bella.

"Now I can love you," I picked him up with my empty hand and kissed his cheek. "Just don't make me spill my coffee."

"You good to go?" Zack asked, walking over with Meaghan.

"Yeah. Jason took my stuff in."

"Sweet," he took my cup and took a drink.

"Hey! That's Raven's give it back," River pointed at him and made a serious face, causing us to laugh.

"Alright Killer. Just don't hurt me," he gave it back and River nodded.

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