Chapter 15: The Birthday Party

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~~Raven's POV~~

"Hurry up," Johnny whined.

"Shut up Johnny. We still have forty-five minutes," I said, curling my hair into victory rolls.

"When are we playing?" Matt asked.

"Five thirty," I replied. "And remember it's a bunch of sixteen year olds so behave yourselves." Today is Kayla's sixteenth birthday and the guys have agreed to make an appearance and play a show. Kayla has no idea, and neither do any of her friends so it's a big surprise. We're heading over a couple hours before the party starts so I can help Izzy set up and Kayla can hang out with the guys.

"We will," Zack said, using one of my combs and the pomade he keeps here to do his once again black hair. He stayed the night last night and let me dye his hair back to black.

"Can I know the set?" I asked.

"Nope," Brian replied. I rolled my eyes as I pinned my hair in place and sprayed it with hairspray. We were all putting finishing touches on our outfits as we waited for it to be time to go.

"You know this is going to be a thirty person gig, right?" I smoothed my pants and shirt down and slipped on a pair of black flats.

"Why are you stressing Ray? We know and it's going to be great," Arin smiled as he pet Pandora.

"I know," I sighed. "I just don't want anything to go wrong."

"Hey, we gave Jason and Dan the address right?" Brian asked.

"I did," Matt replied.

"Well let's hope we get there first," I grabbed my keys and we all walked out of my apartment. Zack and I got in my truck while the others got in Matt's. I pulled out of the parking lot of my building and started driving to Izzy's house.

"You seem tense," Zack said, looking over at me.

"I'm fine," I lied through my teeth and I'm sure he knew it. I'm anything but fine. I had a nightmare last night and almost woke up screaming at the topic my lungs, but I controlled myself and kept quiet because Zack was asleep on the couch. Ever since the argument with Brent at dad's house I've been having nightmares about when I was raped, but I haven't told anyone. I don't want the to worry.

"Really? Because when I went in the bathroom this morning you were wearing Jimmy's gloves while you were asleep," he raised a black eyebrow at me. I bit my lip. Damn, what do I say now?

"Yes Zack. I'm fine. My hands were just cold," I lied even more.

"Alright," he sighed. He knows I'm lying, but he also knows not to press things on me. The rest of the ride was spent in silence, except for the faint sound of the radio playing.

"We're here," I said, pulling into the driveway next to Izzy's car. I killed the engine and got out.

"What the fuck? I didn't know she lived by me," Zack said as he got out. He and the guys all live along Main Street and so does Izzy. Her house is actually a seven minute walk from Zack's.

"Yeah, she has as long as I've known her," I said, walking up to the front door with Zack at my heels and the others behind him.

"She lives close to us," Matt said.

"No shit Sherlock," I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door.

"Finally!" Izzy yelled and pulled me into the house. "Kayla is in the back yard." They all gave me a questioning look and I just pointed in the direction of the back door.

"What do you still need to do?" I asked, watching the guys walk through the living room and out of the back door.

"A lot," she ran her hand through her electric blue hair that still wasn't done.

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