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In glynda's office she is busy  filinh an acceptance letter for the upcoming school semester when a portal appear

Glynda- sigh~ this is gonna be a long time to finish this work..and that damn ozpin thinking about his war with salem..

Great red- you know darling why did you accept that damn wizard's offer. You knew he can be manipulative..

Glynda- well look who it is..my dear old husband decide to visit me in a wrong place and wrong time... twll me dear how is crom??

Great red- he is fine darling he is finishing his semester in earth. Before he will come here to study.

Glynda- what!!!! You decide to let him in here in this damn academy!!! What if ozpin will use him as a tool!!!

Great red- what?? Can't a son want to meet his mother?? After for so long??? And besides he wants to meet you..you know..he always pesterinh me about he wants to meet his own mother..

Glynda- dear i want to meet my own son but ozpin is-

Great red- darling don't be afraid.. he need to test his own ability he is a dragon. Understood that all dragons need to go on a trial..i can't pamper him forever and he is old enough he needs to get strong whatever it takes...and he is old enough to let him do his own thing..and besides hehe sooner or later we will going to be a grandparents!!

Glynda- i am 45 years old great red and i am not ready to be a grandmother.

Great red- sorry to burst your bubble glynda but your son took a liking on the sitri heiress..and one thing that he didn't even know.

Glynda- and that is??

Great red- he beat the sitri heiress in a chess match..

Glynda- so what??

Great red- hahahaha that foolish son of ours disn't even know that who ever beat her in chess he has the right to marry her..and not only that crom is the first dragon that beat her in chess..bwahahaha!!!

Glynda- are you kidding me great red!!!!

Great red- nope...even your sister in law knew about this...even the leaders of the supernatural world know about it..the only peraon who didn't know is your son. And i tell the whole supernatural to keep it quiet and don't reveal it to him..

Glynda- why??

Great red- well he needs to learn the news on his own..and glynda when he comes here he will take an alias to avoid any suspecting eyes..i know this realm is a mess and i know it will took lonh to end those two idiots secret war..if the 4 kingdoms will hear that you have a son of the dragon god they will take an advantage..and i know one of the 4 kingdom has a traitor..

Glynda nodded..

Glynda- what should i do??

Great red- just observe who is the traitor..

Glynda- hmmm my bet is mistral..

Great red- why?? Them??

Glynda- i hear a rumor about them..plys leonardo lionheart is a coward..plus mistral citizen might be a traitor..anf i read that their champion will go here..

Great red- it's just a rumor dear..plus  have a watchful eyes on that vale council's son..

Glynda- i know who is his son...don't worry if ozpin can't handle him then i will..

Great red- hmmmp!! You will use me as your scape goat or to send fear for them..

Glynda- hmmp!! You are useful to me in some ways darling...and besides you are my husband hehehe..and you should help your wife compare to your stunts...

crom cruach ( the son of glynda goodwitch)Where stories live. Discover now