CHAPTER 6 - It's You I Want, Not Her -

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EMMA'S POV- -Play Music-

         "I don't want you too leave." He said as he walked closer, close enough that I could feel his hard muscle, when he got close he put was hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. He pulled me close and leaned over he tipped my chin up, I  was eye wide when I saw him lean down and came closer and closer and then he kissed me, his lips soft and tender. He pulled away and said "It's You I Want, Not Her." he placed his forehead on my and then I did something unbelievable I kissed him and he kissed me back, his tongue swiped my lip asking for permission i opened my mouth he slid his tongue in, It be came a make out and pulled away, "Jump" he said and i did what he asked, I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hands were on my arse holding me up, and i pulled his face closer and we continued to kiss.. We kissed as the rain was pouring on us and it was just me and him in the moment.. After a few minutes we pulled away and he put me down, I looked at him and smiled "Hi, Hughie" I said smiling,  "Hi, Emma" He said tucking a piece of hair the was sticking out behind my ear, *HONK HONK* I heard and then I saw my mams car, "Oh uhm, that's my mam.. I uh better go." I said and grabbed my bag from off the ground, "Hey Emma."  Hughie said while I was walking away and when he said it, it stopped walking. "I'll end it with Katie.. Come over later okay?" He said and looked at me as i turned around to look at him "Okay Hugh..  I will.. Bye" I said and finally walked away and got into my mams car and she drove away.


    I was sitting criss crossed on Claire's bed in my pajamas while i was telling her what happened in the car park after school today, "OMG!! YOU AND HUGHIE KISSED!!!!!" She screamed and got up on the bed and started to dance "Claire! SHHHHHHH he could be here!!" I said as I dragged her back down on the bed, "Hey, Claire is Emma here? I told her to come over  a-" Hughie said as he walked into the room with his focus on his Ipod "Ahhhhh, Yeah I don't know where she is.." Claire said as she pulled me off the bed and shoved me in her closet, "What the-" I said but she cover my mouth with her hand, I licked her had to get it off my mouth "What the fuck!"  Claire mouthed,  I just smiled. "Why'd you ask her to come over??" Claire said closing the door , "Uh, I broke up with Katie and I needed to tell Emma and ask her a question." He said moving his focus to his sister, "Are you sure she isn't here, cause that my jacket I gave her after school." Hughie said walking over to the jacket and picked it up, "Ow!" I said when a box from the top of her closet fell on my head, the closet door opened and revealed a tall figure, "Hey, Emma" Hughie said when he saw me in the closet "Hi, Hughie" I said back. "Why are you in the closet??" Hughie said while grabbing me and moving me out of the closet, "I-I-" I tried to let a sentence fall out but I was stuck, "She was finding her clothes, that she left her from  the sleepover!" Claire said, saving me from awkwardness, "Yeah!"  I said looking at Hughie "Oh, okay well, Emma come on. I invited you over not Claire!" Hughie said grabbing me and walking me out of her bedroom, I looked back at Claire and she just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

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I was now standing near Hughie's drawers while he was changing in his bathroom, he walks out and comes to me and stand in front of me. "So.. Why'd you invite me over?" I said while fidgeting with my fingers until Hughie's Hand was placed on top of mine to cool my nerves. "I just wanted to be with you.." Hughie said looking at me "Okay.. Hughie I have a question.."  I said and looked at him, he nodded and said for me to ask it "What are we..?" I asked and then my body stiffened "What do you want us to be?"  Hughie asked  moving closer to me "Uhm...Whatever you want us to be.." I said as my body moved backed up "Why don't I show you..?" Hughie said walking closer to me and I backed up until my back was pressed against the wall, "If you want of course.." Hughie asked "Y-yeah.. Y-you can show me.." I said nervously, Hughie  placed his hand on next to my face and used his other hand to tipped my chin up, he leaned down and kissed me hard, I reached up and pulled  him down to me so he can get closer. I jump and wrap my legs around him and he holds me up, he walks us over to the bed and places me down on my back he then reaches behind his neck and pulls his shirt off, I see every part of him but only his top half. He kisses me again and then he traced his lips down my jaw  placing kisses  until he got to my neck and then went down he was about to take off my top when he stopped and looked up to me for consent, I nodded for him to take it off "I need words em" He said looking up at me "Y-yes" I said and i laid my head back when he started to take it off. He then started to kiss down my next and down my chest, he got to my shorts and looked at me again for my permission "Go ahead hugh" I said while closing my eyes when he started to slip my shorts off and then moved his fingers into my knickers "I'm going to start now okay, just relax and let me take care of you." Hughie said as he inserted two fingers inside me, overwhelming hot sensation racked over my body when he started to moved his fingers "H-Hugh... Don't s-stop.."  I said as I felt the pleasure of his fingers, and then he moved his fingers and used his mouth.  Moans escaping from my mouth, "H-Hugh I think-" I was about to finish when he interrupted by switching back to his fingers and said "Ride it out baby, use my fingers" He said as he stopped moving his fingers and then i bucked my hips and started riding on his fingers, and riding out my high "Just like that." Hughie said as he was kissing my g-spot on my neck. He pulled his fingers out and the wiped them clean with the jumper on the floor, he picked me up bridal-style and carried me to the bathroom to clean me up. "Will you be with me em?"He asked after helping me "Yes, yes I will" I said and kissed his lips

Hughie picked me up after puting a t-shirt over me and took me back to his bed and laid me down and he climbed into the bed on the other side and pulled me  into his chest,  I nuzzled my face into his chest and he wrapped his  arms around me  then we fell asleep together... Today was the best day of my life.. I love the man next to me..

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