CHAPTER 15-Birthday's and Babies-

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        "Ughhhhh,  just five more minutesss."  I said groaning into the pillow "No now get your ass up!" Gibs and Claire both  said while dragging the comforter off of me, "But, whyyy" I said turning around on my  back and sitting up "Because it's your 17th birthday! And I have planned the whole day out!"  Claire said while going through my closet for something I can wear "So,  in order to do all  the things you need to get your ass  out of bed and get ready!" Claire said while putting an outfit on my drawers and came to me  "Fine, I'll  get up-" I was about to finish when the smell of pancakes came  through the door "Good  morning birthday girl!" My uncle came in with in with pancakes  that have Rolos in the center  "My favorite!! Thank you Terry!" I said while I got up and hugged him, "Okay okay! Emma get ready and then you can eat!" Claire said while clearing the room "Okay Claire, Love youu!"  I said while chuckling "Love you too Em ! Now get ready!" Claire said while closing the door behind her.


        We were at the shops now, and we were looking at clothes "Ou! This one will look great on you!" Claire said while holding the dress up to my body "I don't know Claire, it looks to small." I said while grabbing it "Oh come on! You have worn small dresses before!" Claire said while looking at me like I'm  stupid "Fine! I'll get it , but I'm blaming you for the handsy stuff Hughie does tonight."  I said rolling my eyes and walking to the trying on room 

-The Dress-

"Oh my  goodness!! You look beautiful!!" Claire said squealing when I walked out of the room "Okay, I take back the it's too  small

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"Oh my  goodness!! You look beautiful!!" Claire said squealing when I walked out of the room "Okay, I take back the it's too  small.  It fits me perfectly and it's beautiful" I said while doing a 360 "Let's get it!!" Claire said while pushing me back into the room to change. 


I was upstairs getting ready for my party when I heard a knock, "Come in!!" I said while I did my highlighter "Woah." A girl voice said from my door way "What-" I was about to say something else but when I turned around I saw someone I haven't talked to in years "Hi Em." The girl said as she was still standing in the door way "You don't get to call me that Aoife, not after what you did to me" I said while standing up and walking over to my closet "Emma, that happened years ago! You moved on, you're happy with Hughie and I'm happy with Joe."  Aoife said while putting a hand on her stomach "You don't get to do that! You broke me Aoife, into pieces. I know I moved on but what you and Joey did was unforgivable! It is my night, my day to be happy and I don't need you to come in and ruin it for me!" I said while putting my heels on "I'm pregnant, Emma." Aoife said while walking over to me, "N-No.. I don't believe you."I said while standing up and backing away from her, "It's Joe's, I found out the week I saw you at Biddies.." Aoife said while putting her hand on my shoulder "Congratulations Aoife, but I need you to leave.. I don't even know why you are here.." I said while a tear trickled down from my eyes, "Emma don't  shut me out." Aoife said with emotion and fear "Aoife, I shut you out years ago. Believe me I'm happy for the both of you but,  I can't deal with it tonight.. It's too much to take in.. So you can go.." I said while tears fell and my heartbreaking "Emma..  D-Don't do that! I'm  not a bad person.. I'm doing the best I can.." Aoife said while throwing her hands up "I'm doing the best I can! My brother died Aoife! You don't get to walk in here and tell me you're pregnant and expect me to be your friend again! Let me remind you that you're pregnant with my ex  boyfriends child, the one I swear I thought loved me. So actually, I'm  doing the best I can. I need you too leave!" I said while I was full on crying, "If that's what you want.." Aoife said while looking at me directly in the eyes, "Come on Aoif.. She want's to be alone." Joey said while coming into the room  "Bye Em..  Happy 17th Birthday.." Aoife said while holding her stomach and walking out.. "Thanks.." I said but then I realized she was being genuine and kind to me after all the shite that happened, I ran out my bedroom and to the front door to catch them "Wait! Aoife , Joey.. Wait!" I said while catching up to them, I pulled Aoife into a hug "Congratulation Aoif.. I'm  so happy for you." I said as Aoife hugged me back "Thank you Em.." Aoife said while releasing a sob "I-I'm sorry  for what I did Em.. I really am." Aoife said while hugging me tighter "I-it's okay.. It just hurt really bad Aoife..." I said while pulling back and switching my my attention to Joey, "You dumbarse, I forgive you too" I said while going up to Joey and pulling him  into a hug "God, I'm happy for you.. You actually found your soulmate, ya eejit!" I said while crying happy tears "I found her Em.. I did.." He said while hugging me back "I'm so proud of you, ya eejit! So fucking proud!" I said while letting go and ruffling his hair. I backed away and looked at the both of them "You guys can stay, people should be here soon so come on."  I said while walking away and having them trail after me back inside the house. I missed them so much.. 

------------------------------------------- -Play Song-

 Everyone was jumping and dancing around, and having a blast, me and Gibs took shots and got drunk as hell, "I LOVE DRUNK EMMA!!" Gibs slurred and then said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMAAAAAAA!!" Gibs slurred out over the music "You're so drunk!" Claire slurred as well "WE'RE ALL DRUNKKKK!" I slurred out while getting on to of the table and dancing to the music "Come here! You're gonna fall!" Hughie said while standing on the table and grabbing me "I LOVE THIS SONGG! I slurred before asking "Can you dance with meeeeee!" while pulling on Hughies Hoodie, "Of course princess."  He said as he pulled me onto the dance floor, I turned around with my ass on him and started to grind against him "AYEEEEEE, GET ITTT!" Aoife said while hyping me up,  I kept dancing until Hughie flipped me around and grabbed my waist, "Hey why'd  you-" I was about to say but Hughie grabbed me and kissed me roughly, "Mmmmm"  I moaned into the kiss as my hand were placed on both sides of  his torso, He  swiped my bottom lip with his tongue  and I let him put his tongue in my mouth. We were  making out for a while, he pushed me back against the wall and lifted my leg up to his waist, "Happy Birthday My Angle With Dirty Wings." Hughie said, as he pulled away just in time because Johnny came out with the cake and was walking up to me with all my friends trailing after him while singing Happy Birthday. I blew out the candles when they finished "Thank  you guys so much.. I love you all!" I managed to say without fucking up my sentence  "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!" Everyone screamed and then continued with what they were doing, I'm  going to have a  fun time opening so many fucking presents tomorrow and while I would be hungover as fuck but man I love the people I'm  surrounded by.. "Happy Birthday to you brother... I love you.." I said while holding my shot glass up and then downed it..   


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