CHAPTER 10 -Goodbye..-

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EMMA'S POV- -Play song on Loop-

     Today is going to be the hardest day of my life... I was at the church that the funeral is going to be held at, I looked around and broke down. God this was hard,  "Hey, hey.. It's okay, you're gonna make it through today.." Hughie said as he grabbed me and held me while I was crying. "I-I'm  o-okay.." I said sniffling and wiping my tears off my face , "You're gonna be okay.. I'll be here if it gets to the point where you can't handle it." Hughie said while kissing my tears and then kissing the top of my forehead, "I don't know what I would do without you Hugh.." I said while looking up at him with sadness but love over takes it.. "I don't either em, but we have to go so we can get ready..  It's starts in a few hours and I know you like to get ready hours before so come on." Hughie said grabbing my hand and helping me stand up, "I love you so much Hughie Biggs." I said hooking my arm around his as we walk out, "I love you more Emma Wilkinson" Hughie said as he helped me into the car, and we drove away..


      I was wearing a black, vintage, long sleeve dress  with the wrap look around the torso and it  goes just below my inner thigh, I curled my hair and added a black headband that brought out my shiny brown hair, and I wore a pearl necklace and earring set with a clutch purse that can only fit my phone, chapstick, and tissues of course, I tied the whole outfit together with black heels that made me an inch taller. I finished getting ready and I was walking downstairs when it all came rushing back when I passed the spot I saw him laying at.. ""FINNY!! PLEASEE..." I screamed as I ran up to his body "D-Don't leave m-me.." I said falling to my knees and landing on glass I was out on my thought to not feel my dad beating my body bloody, blood dripped down from my cheek and blood soaked my shirt for the damage he did on my torso, "F-Finn... You PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE..!!" I screamed and broke down and my head went down and landed on his chest... "P-please.... W-wake up!!" I said picking my head up and beating his chest "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!" I screamed still beating on his chest. Hughie, Johnny, Gibs, Shannon and Joey showed up because I called them when I was out of my thoughts, and I forgot I did... "Hey, hey, shhhh it's okay em, I got you" Hughie said stopping me from beating my brothers lifeless body, "I-I SHOULD'VE BEEN HERE!!! I should've stopped him..." I screamed as tears dripped down form my eyes to the floor,""    I immediately broke down in tears, when the memories were coming back..  I shook them out of my head and fixed my face before leaving and going out to Hughie's car. I walked outside of my house and went to Hughie's  car, "You look Beautiful baby.!" Hughie said  in a comforting tone which made me relax, "Thank you Hugh.." I said while getting in the car,  when I was ready he started to drive, he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed my thigh lightly, calming me down. 


      I walked  into the church and felt sick... I walked into the chapel and saw the coffin... I walked up to it and placed my hand on it... It was closed but since I was family I could open it if I wanted to and I didn't because I wouldn't be able to walk away, "Oh fin... This is so hard for me... I don't think I could go on without you by my side..." I said as tear drops were falling down from my eyes and on to the coffin, "I love you fin... I love you so damn much... I love how you brag and say you're two hours older. I love you twin  brother.." I said as I lightly swept my hand over the coffin and kissed it before walking out... After an hour the service started, I was in the front row with Hughie on my right and Joey on my left, and the others on both sides.. I was the only person from my family that showed up.. Not even my mam showed,  which hurt cause she loved him  dearly... "Okay.. We may now proceed with the talks.."  The reverent said before continuing "Emma Wilkinson, you go first dear.." Jimmy the reverent said as he got off the podium when I started to walk up to the podium "U-uh.. H-hi everyone.. Thank you all for showing up  here it seriously means everything to me, but uh.. If  you guys don't know, Finny Wilkinson was my twin brother, he was older by two hours... But, Finn was by my side through everything." I said while I looked at the big picture of him that was next to his coffin, then I continued "Through my first breakup.." I said and looked at Joey who was looking at me but then looked away,  I then continued "Through the pain I was in.  He was by my side all the times my parents were fighting downstairs... He helped me in so many ways as possible... He was the greatest twin brother anyone could ask for... He was  so proud of me when I found the love of my life and when I found the best friends I ever had... And I am so thankful for what he has down for me and with me back then.." I said while crying, I looked at Hughie and he nodded and walked up to the podium to comfort me, he put his hand on my back and kissed the side of my head before I continued.. "Finny's last words he said to me were "I love you too Em, don't ever forget that.. I promise you, that you'll always have my heart.." and when I was thinking about this, I realized that I never got to say goodbye.. It's hard when he's not here... He would be so proud,  if he saw me now just standing up here and not being locked away in my room crying.. I'm  proud of everyone of you and he would be too. Finny is the most loving, caring, helpful boy anyone has met... and having to say goodbye to him is so hard...  He was the one who did it all.. He was the one who trusted me and loved me in ways I can't... He was the best brother, friend, and family I have ever had... T-thank you for coming..." I said when I was finished Hughie grabbed me and I cried into his shoulder before we walked down  from  the podium...


              After everyone had talked and said their goodbyes, it was time for the most hardest part for me.... Carrying him out and burring him,  Hughie, Joey, Johnny, Gibs, Patrick and Tadgh picked up Finn's coffin and carried him out to hearse outside... When we have gotten  to the grave yard I saw them pick him up and put him in the whole, they played music while they started to fill the hole with dirt... When it was finished we all said out goodbyes and then it was over, I didn't say my goodbye cause I wanted to do it when it was just me and him... I walked up to his grave and placed a white rose and a picture of me and him on the top next to his tombstone that read "FINNY WILKINSON -TWIN BROTHER-BEST FRIEND-AND FAMILY-" And I broke down "God fin... I can't.... It's  so hard to say goodbye to you.... I'm gonna miss you... Like a big fucking amount... I can't believe I'm about to say this but... You have gone too soon... And you didn't deserve to leave like that... No one should have to leave this world like that... Goodbye twin brother, I love you so much and you will always have my heart.." I said and broke down again and kissed his tombstone and got up and walked away with my arm hooked around Hughie's, and my head on his shoulder still in tears.. How the the am I going to continue without him...


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