CHAPTER 27- Do I Make You Nervous..?

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          "Ugh! How is it the last day already!" Gibs whined as he flopped face first on Johnny's bed once we walked in "Stop whining ya eejit!" I said as I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him "Hey! I'm not whining I'm being honest!" Gibs said as he chucked the pillow back at me "Sorry again Gibs, but ya sitting on a wet spot.." Johnny said before he busted out laughing "AGAIN! YA EEJIT! CONCEAL YA DICK YA BIG BASTARD!" Gibs yelled as he got up and saw it on his shirt, I busted out laughing "Ha!" I said as I was laughing so hard "MAMMY K! HE WANKED ON ME AGAIN!" Gibs whined as he ran out of the room, I tried to stop laughing cause it was hurting my lungs "I love fucking with him." Johnny said as he busted into laughter "He's stupid." I said as I flopped down on Johnny's bed "It was marshmallow fluff crap!" Gibs said as he ran into the room with his shirt in his hand "Put ya shirt back on!" I said as  I covered my eyes "You know you want me to leave it off" Gibs said as a smirk flashed on his face "Fuck you!" I said as I chucked my sandal at him "Okay, Okay!! I'll put it back on!" Gibs said as he put his shirt back on,  "Thank you! Now, we going to the beach or not" I said as I laid my head on Johnny's arm "Oh! Yeah, I gotta put my trunks on." Johnny said as he pulled his arm out from underneath my head "Okay, while you are doing that who's all coming.?" I asked out loud  "Uhhh, me, Johnny, You, Hughie, Shannon, Lizzie, Claire, Joey and Aoife." Gibs said while flexing in the mirror "Oh, okay!" I said and then grabbed my phone "I'm going to go ask mammy K if she has any swim wear.?" I said as I stood up from Johnny's bed and started to walk to the door "Okayy!!! Can you get me a bikini while your at it." Gibs said with a goofy smile "Hell no, ya thick eejit pack it in." I said with a chuckle and walked out.


I was in a guest bedroom that was in Johnny's house, and Claire was now here "Okay here is the bikini" I said as I walked out of the bathroom and twirled "Ouuuuu!!! I love it" Claire said "Wear that!! Oh and, here's a graphic-t" Claire said as she chucked the shirt at me "Thank youu!!" I said as I put the shirt on and then put my sandals on, "We look so gooddddd!!" Claire said as she fixed the strap on her yellow polka dot swim suit and then wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I just laughed as we walked down the stairs to meet with the other people.

-Play Song On Repeat

We just got downstairs and we walked to the kitchen where everyone else was "Hey baby!" I said to Hughie when I walked into the kitchen "Hey baby" Hughie said as I walked in between his legs, "How's your day been"  I asked as I wrapped my arms around his torso and looked up at him, "It's been good, it'll be better when I see you in the swim suit." Hughie whispered into my ear, his lips barely touching my ear. My breath hitched and my heart rate increased "I-I.." I tried to let out a coherent sentence "Do I make you nervous.?" Hughie asked in a raspy voice. I just nodded and then he pulled me closer and kissed me "Mmm." I groaned into the kiss "Ew, get a room" Patrick squealed as he covered his eyes "Oh pack it in eejit" Hughie said after he pulled away "Okay, okay! Lads calm down, let's go." Johnny said as he grabbed his keys and then walked out of the kitchenette, all of us followed after him.


We had been at the beach for 3 minutes now and I still had my shirt on. I was laying on the sand, tanning with Claire. A shadow casted over me which caused me to sit up "Uh, I'm tanning and your in my way." I said before looking up at the person "You're tanning with a shirt on, princess." Hughie said with a chuckle "I know, I just don't want to make ya hard as a rock." I said with a smirk as I made direct eye contact "Mmm, sure okay." Hughie said sarcastically and then walked away. 

After about 10 minutes Claire looked at me "We should go swim." Claire said as she sat up on her elbows "I guess, we've been tanning for a while." I said as I stood up on my feet and held my hand out "Thank you kind ma'am." Claire said as she took my hand and stood up "You're welcome M'lady." I said before we busted out laughing "Okay now let's go!" Claire said as she skipped to the water and to where everyone else is at "Hold on, I need to take of my shirt" I said as I lifted my shirt off and put it down on my stuff. I then ran to the water where everyone was at. "Hey guys!" I said while trying to catch my breath "Hey!" Shannon said as she walked over and handed me some water "Thank you Shan." I said as I straightened up and took a sip of water, Hughie was ran too us, with his wet hair dripping form his face, and water sliding down his neck, abs and his hard masculine arms. "Holy shite.." I said as my breath hitched at the sight of him. I shook my head and focused on Lizzie who was talking to me "So, do you  want to go in?"  Lizzie said as I looked at her "Uh, yeah sure!" I said before she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and started walking, forcing me to walk with her. We walked past Hughie and I felt eyes burning a hole into my skin, I turned my head and saw Hughie looking at me up and down. Taking in every part of my body "Keep your dick in your pants Biggs." I said loud enough for him to hear me "I don't make any promises Wilkinson!" Hughie yelled back with a smirk plastered on his face, my face flashed red and I turned my head and ran to Lizzie.


I was in the water just chilling and taking to Gibs, when I felt two big arms wrap around my waist. "You look hot." Hughie whispered into my ear and I felt shivers crawl through my body, "T-thank you.." I said as my breath hitched and I got nervous "Mmm.. Do I make you nervous.?" Hughie said as he kissed my neck "Mhm.." I said as I threw my head back and it landed on his inked shoulder "S-stop, we're in public." I said as I arched my back when he ran his fingers on the waistband of my bottoms. Gibs left when Hughie came over, and I'm glad he did.. "We leave soon, so.. No need to  worry." Hughie said as he kissed my neck and down to my shoulder  "STOP FUCKING GUYS,  THEIR'S KIDS AROUND!" Gibs yelled as he threw the beach ball at us "Okay, Okay!! Jeez!" I said as I moved away just to instantly get pulled back in "We're leaving, come on!" Johnny and Gibs said as they got out of the water to dry off  "Come on, let's go!" I said as I grabbed Hughie's hand and dragged him out of the water with me "Damn baby."  Hughie said as he dried himself off "Sorry, but I had too." I said as I bent over and grabbed my sandals, "Mmm.." Hughie groaned loud enough for only me to hear him "Keep it in Biggs." I said as I straightened up and smirked at him "I'm trying, princess. But you're making it really hard for me." Hughie said as he bit back a groan as I turned around so my back was towards him so I could grab my phone..


I was in my house, pinned to my bedroom door as my boyfriend kissed down my neck. I grabbed his shirt and tugged on it "Not yet baby. Hold on." Hughie said as he lifted me up and I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist. He laid me down on my bed and took my bikini top and bottoms  off. I put my hand in his swim trunks and palmed him "Mmm." Hughie said as he stopped kissing me and threw his head back, I  removed my hand and flipped us over. I took off his shirt and then I removed his trunks. He grabbed me and flipped us back over so now that he was on top "You know I'm always on top." Hughie smirked as he stuck his fingers in me "N-No warning!" I said as a gasp escaped from my lips "Eh, I could've given you one but what's the fun in that?" Hughie said as he thrusted his fingers in and out "O-oh.." I moaned as my toes curled and pleasure flooded my body. He kept getting faster and faster and 4 minutes later I had the recognizable feeling of heat flow through me "I'm c-close.." I said as I bucked my hips "Ride it out." Hughie said as he stopped his fingers and let me do the rest. I started to ride his fingers until I released.. He pulled his fingers out and then looked at me "You want to go again?" He asked me as he looked at my petite body "Mhm.." I said as I bucked my hips again "Okay okay" Hughie said then he thrusted into me, making a loud moan escape my lips. "Keep g-going." I said as I tangled my fingers into his hair as he thrusted faster and faster. 

My legs started to shake and then I closed them, "Don't close them baby, keep them open." Hughie said as he tore them apart we have been going for 10 minutes now. I was so close that it hurt, "I- I need to-" I tried to say but my words got cut off "You can baby" Hughie said as he thrusted faster making me release. He released two minutes after.. He pulled out and flopped next to me "I'm so exhausted.." I said as I curled up into a ball in his arms, he wrapped his arms around me and held me.  Making me feel secure and safe "Me too baby, me too." Hughie said as he kissed the top of my head, "I love you My Angle Wither Dirty Wings." Hughie said looking down at me "I love you My All Star." I said looking up at him then kissing his swollen lips. We pulled away and then just laid there for a couple of minutes before falling asleep. 


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