CHAPTER 12 -The Party-

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            It has been two months since the death of my brother... I was a mess a month ago and now I'm normal again,  well sort of  I still miss him and I always will but I gotta keep moving... It was Halloween and there is a party happing tonight at the GAA pavilion,  "OMG!! We should go as bunnies!!!" Claire said to Lizzie, Shannon,  and I  "Shannon, I know you don't want to wear anything slutty soooo, you can wear the bodysuit with a skirt! While me Lizzie and Emma just wear the bodysuit and no skirt!" Claire said while jumping up and down on my bed "Okay fine, will do it" We all said to Claire then she screamed in excitement "YAYYYYY!!"  Claire said while jumping off my bed and hugging all three of us. "Let's go get the costumessss!"  Claire said while  running out of the room, we all laughed at her and  followed her out of the house.


      We got our costumes a couple of hours ago and now it was time to get ready, I put on my out fit -EMMA'S FIT-----

      We got our costumes a couple of hours ago and now it was time to get ready, I put on my out fit -EMMA'S FIT-----

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         "DAMN!!" Claire said as she looked at me up and down "Okay okay,  you're making me uncomfortable Claire." I said while putting my heels on, "We look so goodd!" Claire said jumping up and down, "Hey Claire, you need to calm down okay, we haven't even drank or left the house yet." Lizzie and Shannon say "Then let's goooo!" Claire said starting to get impatient "Fine, fine we'll go, it  starts in 20 minutes so let's go ahead and go over there." Shannon said as well start gathering our personal items and leaving the house. 

-Play Music- After at least 14 minutes we finally got there and it was crowded, "I'm going to go find Johnny!" Shannon said over the music "Okay!" I said while trying to look for Hughie but can't see cause of how god damn short I am. I turned around a collided with a hard, lean chest "I'm  so sorry!"  a deep voice stated,  "It's fine." I said while clutching my head, I looked up and saw a blonde man with brown eyes, in a prisoner outfit "I'm Mark, Mark Allen"  He said while reaching for my hand and looking me up and down "Uhm.. I'm Emma, Emma Wilkinson."  I said shaking his hand,  "Do you want to dance?" Mark asked me,  "Uh sure!" I said while I followed him to the dance floor. We started to dance, but when Mark got to close to me he got pushed away from  me "Hey man! What the fuck!" Mark said to the man who pushed him  "Hey, what's happening over here-" I stopped and saw Hughie, Hughie was the one who pushed Mark away from me... "Don't touch my fucking girlfriend Mark." Hughie said "Hughie, we were just dancing!" I said pulling at his shoulder,  but he keep his attention on Mark "Hughie,  no need to get all protective lad!" Mark said smirking, Hughie grabbed him by his costume and pushed him  against the wall, "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her" Hughie said while pulling  his arm back, I quickly ran to them and I was so thankful for how small I was, I went in between Him and Mark with my back towards Mark and my front towards Hughie,  "Look at me." I said to Hughie, he didn't look he kept  his grip and attention on Mark, and everyone around us was filming and watching, even our friends, "Hughie, look at me." I said grabbing his chin with my left hand and my right was pulling his arm down,  I forced Hughie to look at me and when he did I saw sadness, and anger "Back away.. Hugh he's not worth it , just back away. Please." I said with sympathy and emotion in my voice, when Hughie backed away relief flooded me but it was gone when he walked out of the pavilion and went outside.. I ran after him after running into so many people but I finally made it past all drunk arse people and found Hughie, "You okay.?" I said as I rubbed my hand on his back  "Yeah, I'm fine." He said as he blew out a stressful breath "What was that back there Hugh.." I said while stepping in between his legs as his hand automatically went to my hips "I just didn't like him being so god damn close to you  baby.." Hughie said as he began kissing my neck, "Are you drunk?" I said while pulling his head away from my neck pointed his head to my face so his full attention was on me, "No, I had one beer and that's it.." He said,  and I swear I wanted to kiss him so bad cause of how hot he looked but I pulled myself together, "You're so hot baby" Hughie said while pulling me closer to his body, I was still standing in between his legs "T-thank you.." I said feeling a heat flash flow through my body, Hughie pulled me onto his lap and kissed me hard.. Damn it was going to be a long night..

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