CHAPTER 21-Life Without You-

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EMMA'S POV- -Play Song On Repeat-

     "Here you go, Darren!" I said to my ex boyfriends older brother, "Thanks Emma." Darren said back after taking a sip of his whiskey, "You know I liked you and Joey together." Darren said while looking at me and taking another sip of his drink "Well, he cheated on me. And plus I moved on." I said while wiping the counter "He cheated on you?!" Darren said with a shocked expression on his face, "Yup, with my best friend. I'm not worried about it anymore cause I moved on and found the love of my life." I said and looked at Darren with a "I'm telling the truth" expression on my face "I believe you Emma. It was Aoife wasn't  it.?" Darren asked as he placed his empty whiskey glass on the bar counter "Yup. And now she is pregnant with his child." I said while grabbing his glass, "Want another one lad.?" I asked as I walked behind the bar, "Yeah, it's been a long day." Darren said with a sigh "I get off in 10, so maybe since you're like a brother to me you can meet Hughie!" I said with a smile as I poured him a new drink "Who's Hughie.?" Darren asked as he looked at his watch, "He's my boyfriend, we have been dating for two years now!" I said as I walked out from behind the bar and placed his drink down and sat on the bar stool next to him, "Two years? Longer than you and Joe. Proud you found your soulmate Em."  Darren said as he patted my shoulder, "Thank you!" I said with a big smile, "Emma! You're shift is over! We are closing early, due to weather!"  Adam my boss said, "Okay! Thank you!" I said back as I pulled out my phone and messaged Hughie, "He's on his way Dar!" I said to Darren as I got up and put my waiting apron away.



"Hey baby!"  Hughie said as he walked through the main door of Biddies "Hey!" I said as he grabbed my waist with his left arm and pulled me into a kiss, "Oh baby! I wanted you too meet someone!" I said as I grabbed his wrist and took him over to Darren, "Dar this is Hughie, Hughie this is Dar!" I said as I looked at both of them, "Sup man." Hughie said as he shook Darren's hand  "Hey." Darren said while letting go of Hughie's hand "Well since ya guys have met, I guess we can go to your house."  I said as I wrapped my arms around Hughie's torso and he holds my waist, "I missed you." I said as I nuzzled my face into his stomach,  "I missed you too baby, come on.  You're tired and it's late so lets take you home." Hughie said as he grabbed his keys and started to walk, "Bye Dar!" I said as I walked out of Biddies and into my boyfriends car. Hughie got into the car and started the engine, he put his hand on my thigh as I rested my head on the window starting to  drift off to sleep.


       I woke up to me being carried upstairs and into a room and placed onto a soft comfortable  bed. Hughie was taking off my shoes and then my clothes leaving me in my bra and knickers, he then pulled one of his grey t-shirts over me.  Hughie pulled the covers over me and I snuggled into them, Hughie walked into the bathroom and grabbed a makeup wipe and took off my makeup. Hughie then took off his shirt only leaving him in sweatpants, I felt the bed dip next to me and then a nice warm, soft body pulling me into their chest. "I love you Em." Hughie said as he kissed my fore head and then we fell  asleep. I love how he takes care of  me, I  love this boy.


    I woke up to an empty bed the next morning,  "Hughie..?" I asked into the unknown and I got no response. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Hughie.." I asked again and still no response, I got out of bed and saw a note that read "I went to the gym with Johnny and Gibs, I love you." after I read the note I wanted to go to the gym and surprise him! I put the note down and ran to the bathroom. It took me 5 minutes to change, I was downstairs now and I was putting my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and my phone and walked out of the house.

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