CHAPTER 7-Love Birds-

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     EMMA'S POV- -Play Song-

             I was talking to Lizzie and Claire about how Johnny's family is fostering Shannon's, Shannon said that I could as long as they kept their mouths shut.  I was talking to them when out the corner of my eye I see a blonde boy at the front entrance, I faced towards the main entrance and I swear I felt myself fall backwards, "Oh no.." I said as my body trembled  "What!?" Claire and Lizzie said as the turned and looked at where i was staring, "Oh, shit!" Lizzie said and turned back to me. "That's Joey Lynch, he must be going here since he lived in the Kavanagh house.." Claire said as Hughie walked up to us, "Hey- What are ya looking at?" He said as he looked in the direction we all were, "Oh- Baby, it's okay." He said putting his full attention on me "I-I thought I'd never see him again." I said moving myself into Hughie's chest, Hughie wrapped his arms around me, "It's okay.. Just promise me you won't let him back in.." Hughie said tightening his grip around me "I p-promise. I would never risk being hurt again.." I said nuzzling my head into his chest, "Okay okay  Lovebirds, but that blondie is walking over here" Lizzie said while shaking me and rolling her eyes at me and Hughie, Me and Hughie pulled away but Hughie had his hand wrapped around my waist "Okay, anyways! Soooo how have ya lovebirds been?!!" Claire said wiggling her eyebrows and smirking, me and Hughie break into laughter  "Hey em.." A deep voice came from behind me, I twisted around to see a pale, tired Joey and my heart instantly broke "H-hey Joe." I said while Hughie's grip around my waist tightened, Joe looked around and made contact with Hughie and Hughie's jaw clenched "Uhm.. I see you've gotten your fresh  start." He said smiling a little "Uh, yeah.. I did." I said feeling a smile creep up on my face  "How's uh, you and Aoife?" I said feel my heart break again, "We're good, but anyways I'm going to go uh look around." Joey said while giving me a slight wave "I- uh can show you around?" I said out loud and instantly regret it,  "Uhm, okay" Joey said while moving his bag to his other shoulder "Okay, let's go!" I said while giving Hughie a kiss and then grabbing my bag  and walking away with Joey beside me.


     "And that's the whole school! " I said while blowing out a breath, "Nice, it's big." He said while looking around, "Yeah, if you get lost then look for the bathrooms cause they are in front of the canteen, so it's easy to remember from there!" I said while patting his shoulder, "Ah, okay he said while looking at me directly in my eyes, "Uhm, em I'm really sorry for what I did." Joey said with real sympathy in his voice and eyes, he never shows sympathy like that. "Joe, please don't bring that up.."  I said looking away from  him "We started over, we are both in great relationships.. So we can be acquaintances but nothing else.." I said backing away from him a little, "Are you scared of me?"  Joey said  with sadness in his eyes, "Yes! I'm scared if I let you back in then I'll loose everything! I'm not falling for that, you hurt me in ways that nobody has not even my father! I trusted you, but you failed on me.. So I'm sorry,  but yeah..  I am scared of  you.." I said while picking my bag up "I'm sorry but I have to go.." I said and walked away and the faint of joey said something but it was inaudible, I just kept walking until I couldn't see, hear, or smell that boy... This year is gonna be shit, I said to myself as I made it too first class..


   I was walking into the canteen when I felt someone grabbed my wrist, "Let go you thick eejit!" I said until I turned around and saw my boyfriend Hughie, "Oh,  sorry.. I didn't know it was you baby."  I said as I felt my body instantly relax at the sight of Hughie, "It's fine, just don't call me "Thick Eejit"" He said as he chuckled and pulled me into him and kissed me, "I  won't , I swear!" I said and the smiling into the kiss, "Let's go in." Hughie said as we began walking into the canteen with his arm around my shoulder "Hey lovebirdssss!" Gibs and Claire said as we sat down at the table, "Oh hush ya arseholes, ya  guys are the ones who are the lovebirds since childhood."  I said laughing and rolling my eyes playfully as I placed  my head on Hughie's shoulder and relaxed my body on his lap.  I grabbed my food and started to eat, "Do you wanna come over for the weekend? It is Friday, so you'll come home with me today." Hughie whispered into my ear as I was eating, "There's some of your clothes that you left, so you'll have clothes." Hughie said as he leaned back in his chair and man spread, he held on to  me so I wouldn't fall when he moved,  "Sure, let me just go tell my brother." I said as I got up and walked to the hurling table to tell my brother, "Hey fin!" I said as  the whole hurling team looked up at me, "Hey Em! What's up?" He said he he put his attention on me, "I was just telling you that, I'm going to stay at Hughie's house for the weekend and I'm  going home with him after school today." I said while moving my arms across my stomach when I saw one boy staring at me from the table "Ah,  okay! I'll tell mam for ya! Have fun Em, Love ya, ya big eejit!" My brother said while nudging my ribs, "Love ya too, eejit! " I said as I turned around and collided with a hard chest, "Ow,  watch where ya going ya arsehole!" I said as I looked up  and I froze,  "Well if you watched where you were going Em then you wouldn't have ran into me."  Joey said as he looked down at me, he over towered me. I was 5,2 and he was 6,0 I was an ant to this man, "Oh pack it in thick eejit!" I said rolling my eyes, and looked around Joey to see Hughie having an intense stare at the back of Joey with his jaw clenched, "What are you doing over here anyways, brunette"  Joey said as he crossed his arms, he called me brunette.. He hasn't called me that name since we first met... I took the thought out of my mind, "I was telling my brother Finny, that I was spending the whole weekend with my wonderful boyfriend." I said as I smirked and placed my hands on my hips, "Okay and-" Joey was about to say something until Hughie said something across the room "BABY COME ON, I NEED YOU OVER HERE!" Hughie said as was waving me  over to him, "Oh, that's my que! Got to go" I said as i trotted over to Hughie and sat back down on his lap as  he pulled me into a kiss, Joey was across the room watching us with his jaw clenched. Maybe this year won't be that bad..

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